- A QoS routing and wavelength assignment algorithm in WDM networks is proposed. 针对波分复用(WDM)网络中的路由与波长分配问题,提出了一种支持服务质量(QoS)的约束搜索算法。
- Routing and wavelength assignment problem is a key problem for WDM optical networks. 摘要路由与波长分配问题是波分复用光网中的一个关键问题。
- On the base of compositive analysis of BLC and wavelength, I bring forward a new wavelength assignment algorithm: SE(Service Equalization). 在对瓶颈链路和波长两者综合分析的基础上,本文提出了一种新的波长分配算法(SE)。
- This paper proposes a sparse multifiber and wavelength assignment algorithm based on dynamic traffic service WDM-networks. 该文提出了一种WDM网络的稀疏多纤及波长配置算法,该算法基于动态 业务。
- Another RWA algorithm based on the layered-gragh model is used to resolve the two subproblems of routing and wavelength assignment simultaneously. 文章还讨论了一种基于分层图模型的RWA算法,它使得光网络的路由和波长分配两个子问题同步解决。
- The routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem is essential for achieving efficient performance in wavelength-routed optical networks. 近年来,随著高速多媒体应用的出现,例如:视讯会议、随选视讯等,使得网路讯务大量增加。
- The second optimal scheduling problem within Lagrangian relaxation framework is the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem. (二)对于考虑安全约束的机组优化调度问题,分别得到了在求可行解时,考虑和不考虑爬升约束机组发电功率的重新分配情形下,安全约束机组组合可行的一个必要条件和一个充分必要条件。
- An efficient distributed routing and wavelength assignment protocol are proposed, which is characterized by low cost, low blocking rate and good scalability and applicability. 探讨了WDM全光网中的路由及波长分配问题,提出了一种用于WDM网络中的分布式路由及波长分配协议,具有开销小、阻塞率低以及良好的可扩展性,是一种比较实用的RWA协议。
- Based on these on these ideas,a wavelength assignment algorithm is presented.For an optical ring with any fixed conversion mode,the algorithm can giv a good assignment scheme. 基于这些算法;进一步提出了一个波长分配算法;该算法对于环形光网上的任意固定转换模式都能给出一个较好的波长分配方案.
- The one-way reservation protocol used in Optical Burst Switching(OBS) makes current routing and wavelength assignment(RWA) algorithms suffer from high burst blocking probability. 摘要为了减小光突发交换网络中单向预留协议的盲目性,引入光突发交换网络逻辑拓扑的概念,并基于逻辑拓扑提出了一种路由和波长分配算法。
- In this dissertation, the RWA problem is modeled as an integer programming problem, the discrete variables are about the selection of links and wavelength assignment. (三)对于没有安全或有安全约束的机组优化调度问题,不管是否考虑爬升约束机组发电功率重新经济分配的情形,都给出了求解经济分配的相应线性规划模型:凸组合系数方法和功率增量方法,证明了它们与原始非线性经济分配问题的等价性;
- At last, the Quality of Service (QoS) problem in WDM networks is studied, and based on different service models, a QoS routing and wavelength assignment algorithm and a proportional QoS wavelength assignment algorithm are presented respectively. 最后研究了WDM网络中的服务质量(QoS)问题,并且基于不同的业务模型,分别提出了求解满足QoS约束的路由与波长分配算法和支持比例QoS的波长分配算法。
- The traffic grooming and wavelength assignment in unidirectional synchronous digital hierarchy/wavelength division multiplexing (SDH/WDM) rings was formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem. 摘要将单向同步数位系列/波分复用(SDH/WDM)环网络中的波长分配和业务量疏导表述为组合优化问题。
- Wavelength conversion and Routing and Wavelength Assignment(RWA) algorithms are the two key methods in improving the blocking performance in wavelength-routed all-optical networks. 摘要 在波长路由全光网中,波长转换以及路由和波长分配算法(RWA)是降低网络阻塞率、改善网络性能的两个重要方法。
- In WDM optical network it is required to set up links and assign wavelengths after linking request arrived, which is called routing and wavelength assignment(RWA). 在WDM光网络中,在给定一组连接请求后,需要为之建立路由并分配波长,这被称为路由和波长分配问题(RWA)。
- Wavelength Assignment in Fixed Routing WDM Networks 固定选路的波分复用全光网中的波长分配算法
- priority-based wavelength assignment 优先级波长分配
- dynamic muting and wavelength assignment algorithm 动态RWA算法
- dynamic routing and wavelength assignment 动态路由和波长分配
- Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) 路由和波长分配