- Dense wavelength division multiplex (DWDM) and all opticalnetwork (AON) have become the hot issues in the field of optical communication presently. 密集波分复用技术和全光网络已成为当前光通信的研究热点。
- The DWDW demodulate technology which use the DWDM filter curve and wavelength division multiplex technology can realize multichannel dynamic demodulate. DWDM解调技术利用DWDM的滤波曲线和波分复用技术可以实现多通道动态解调。
- Based upon existing optic fiber cable telecommunication, this article puts forward using wavelength division multiplex technology for remote image transmission without adding communication line. 文章提出在原有光纤光缆电信传输业务基础上,不增加通信线路,利用光纤波分复用技术实现局、矿远程图象传输。
- DWDM Dense WaveLength Division Multiplex 波长密集型复用技术
- wdm: wavelength division multiplex 波分多路复用
- dwdm: dense wavelength division multiplex 波长密集型复用技术
- wavelength division multiplex (WDM) 波分复用
- By the modulation of effective coupling length,CWC can accommodate wider multiplexing bandwidth than parallel straight waveguide coupler (SWC) in wavelength division multiplex (WDM). 同时由于等效耦合长度的调制作用使得弯曲波导耦合器在波分复用/解复用中比平行直波导耦合器具有更大的复用带宽;
- Fabrication of Single-Mode Fiber Wavelength Division Multiplexer by Using Improved Fused Biconical Taper Method[J]. 引用该论文 施雷;陈险峰;廖尉钧;卜胜利;陈玉萍;夏宇兴.
- A multi-mode interference wavelength division multiplexer in GaAs has been studied in this paper. 本文研究了一种多模干涉型光波分复用器。
- This paper researches the optimal scheduling for single hop wavelength division multiplexing networks. 本文研究无源星形波分复用网络中数据传送的优化。
- Theoretical Analysis of the Characterization of Mach-Zehnder Wavelength Division Multiplexer using Fiber Grating[J]. 引用该论文 刘永红;刘水华;虞国华;江山;方罗珍;黄德修.
- Recently, there has been a growing excitement in the area of optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. 摘要:近年来,光通讯网路技术中的多波长分工网路快速成长为被广泛期许的传输标准之一。
- High alumina codoping EDFA have wider and flatter gain spectra, which can be used in long haul wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system. 高掺铝掺铒光纤放大器具有更宽更平坦的增益谱线,可以适用长距离波分复用(WDM)系统。
- T. Ono, “Wavelength Division Multiplexing Terabit Technologies with High Spectral Efficiency,” Optics &Photonics News, pp.56-59, Mar, 2001. 赖柏洲,光纤通信与网路技术,台北:全华科技股份有限公司,2003,第2-11-2-17页。
- IETF RFC 4209-2005,Link Management Protocol (LMP) for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Optical Line Systems[S]. 黄照祥;雷蕾;梁庄.;光网络第三代传送系统[M]
- A quasi-distributed optical fiber surface plasmon resonance(SPR) sensor based on wavelength division multiplexing is studied. 研究了一种基于波分复用原理的准分布式光纤表面等离子体波传感器。
- Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is an available technology, which can greatly increate the message capacity. 近年来随着光通信的飞速发展,密集波分复用技术(DWDM)已成为解决大容量信息传输的有效手段。
- Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is of great importance to the future dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) all optical network (AON). 阵列波导光栅型波分复用器对于实现未来密集波分复用全光网具有重要的意义。
- At first, a scalable Wavelength Division Multiplexing cellular core network is proposed to provide plenty of bandwidth up to Giga-bits/sec, even to Tera-bits/sec. 首先,我们提出光波长多工元件构成的可扩充蜂巢式核心网路,以提供大量的频宽。