- waxworks wax museum 蜡像陈列馆
- But imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum. 但在他的想象中,把她丢进融蜡里然后放进他的蜡像馆。
- Wax Museum in Beijing Ditan Park vegetarian palace. 北京蜡像馆位于地坛公园斋宫内。
- A branch of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum opens in Germany with the likes of Hitler, Beethoven and Carl Marx on display. 在德国,有一家杜莎夫人蜡像馆开张,展品包括希特勒,贝多芬和马克思的蜡像。
- The frontiersman's self-sufficiency and stoicism in the face of pain belong now in some wax museum of lost American self-images. 拓荒者的独立性以及面对痛苦时的坚忍,现在只能在“失落的美国自我形象”蜡像馆中去寻找了。
- Wax Museum is located in Beijing Ditan Park studio palace, covering an area of 800 square meters, is China's first large-scale Wax Museum. 北京蜡像馆位于地坛公园斋宫内,面积800平方米,是我国第一座大型蜡像馆。
- Chinese tourists warmly welcomed the newly installed Barack Obama wax figure at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Hong Kong. 一些游客笑容满面,拉着奥巴马蜡像的手,另外一些游客则表情严肃。
- Toyama Street via the torch relay, the viewing platform, the Gold Coast, the Bay Bridge, Centre Street, Wax Museum and Television Arts Centre and other attractions and streets. 火炬传递途经富山街、观景台、黄金海岸、金湾大桥、中心大街、蜡像馆、以及影视艺术中心等景点和街道。
- Xinhua) -- Madame Tussauds, a famous wax museum headquartered in London, unveiled the wax figure of Olympian and Houston Rockets' seven-time all-star Yao Ming in New York on Monday. 新华社报道,北京奥运会旗手、曾七次入选全明星阵容的休斯敦火箭队选手姚明的蜡像首次亮相杜莎夫人蜡像馆。该蜡像馆总部设在伦敦。
- There are showroom for cultural relics from the Sino-Japanese War, wax museum and martyrdom place of Ding Ruchang in the praefect department and also a museum for the Sino-Japanese War. 提督署内现辟有甲午海战文物陈列室、蜡像馆和丁汝昌殉难处,设有中国甲午战争博物馆。
- N.Y.City Tour:Chinatown、Wall Street、Ground Zero、Madame Tussaud Wax Museum、Circle Line Cruise、United Nations、Times Square、Rockefeller Center、Fifth Avenue、Empire State Building.Depart N.Y. 纽约市区游:中国城、华尔街金融区、世贸遗址、自由女神环游、联合国总部、时代广场、腊像馆、著名的第五大道、帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心...等。
- Sung Dynasty Village Wax Museum in a display produced by the wax statue of famous Chinese history, with the size of a real person, visitors to understand China's history as a lively classroom. 宋城中有一座蜡像艺术馆,陈列着白蜡制作的中国历代名人塑像,与真人一般大小,成为游客了解中国历史的生动课堂。
- There are showroom for cultural relics from the Sino-Japanese War wax museum and martyrdom place of Ding Ruchang in the praefect department and also a museum for the Sino-Japanese War. 提督署内现辟有甲午海战文物陈列室、蜡像馆和丁汝昌殉难处,设有中国甲午战役博物馆。
- New York City Tour:Chinatown ,Wall Street, Ground Zero ,Madame Tussaud Wax Museum ,Circle Line Cruise ,United Nations , Time Square, Rockefeller Center, Fifth Avenue, Empire State Building.Depart N.Y. 纽约市区游:中国城,参观华尔街金融区,世贸遗址,自由女神环游,联合国总部,时代广场,蜡像馆,著名的第五大道,帝国大厦,洛克菲勒中心,傍晚乘巴士前往费城酒店住宿。
- Madame Tussaud's is a famous waxworks in London. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆是伦敦一家著名的蜡像馆。
- An exhibition of wax figures in a museum. 蜡像展蜡像馆中的蜡像展览
- The World Famous Hollywood Wax Museum 好莱坞蜡像馆
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- He impressed his seal on the wax. 他在火漆上盖了他的私章。
- It's easy to while a few hours away in a museum. 在博物馆里很容易打发掉几个小时。