- weak nation psychology 弱国心态
- Imperialist governments plungers the weak nations. 帝国主义政府掠夺弱小国家。
- The weaker nation sued for peace. 那个弱国乞求和平。
- The national psychology greatly bars the cooperation of the two countries. 民族的心理因素大大阻碍了这两个民族的合作。
- Anti-Japanese War has an effect on the national psychology in many ways. 摘要抗日战争对中华民族心态有多重影响。
- Different matter culture, different system culture and different nation psychology construction between China and USA, which decides conspicuous difference in the course of propelling E-learning. 中美两国有着不同的物质文化、制度文化和民族的心理结构,决定着两国在推进数字化学习的过程中有着明显的差异。
- Its implications for small and militarily weak nations cannot be over-emphasized. 它对小国和军事弱国的影响不能被过分强调。
- But this policy also led to overstaffed organizations, deserted and loose arms, and weak national power, etc. 宋朝的外交政策和外交行为,既是汉唐大国礼治外交的延续,又是对传统外交的批判和瓦解。
- Dreams , precious mirror, jade, etc in prototype images have showed some common national psychology. 梦、宝镜、玉石等原型意象的背后潜藏着具有普遍性的某种民族心理,迷信的表层下生长着古老的“种族记忆”之根;
- Finally, in a third major conclusion, the report cites weak national health systems as the continent's biggest public health challenge. 最后,在第三大结论中,报告指出薄弱的国家卫生系统是非洲大陆最大的公共卫生挑战。
- Mao Dun translated a geat number of foreign poems, essays, novels and dramas, most of which were of Soviet Union and other weak nations. 在翻译实践过程中,茅盾对翻译问题的认识极为深刻,开创了国内翻译界对译者主体性研究的先河。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- However,Atwood takes the morbid national psychology as the nature of Canadian culture and literature,thus showing a recognition of and submission to colonial culture. 然而阿特伍德将民族病态当作民族的文化和文学的本质特征,却在客观上表明了对殖民文化的认可和屈从。
- But because of the cultural diversity found in the national psychology, religious belief and mythology, numbers are endowed with abundant cultural connotations and associations. 但由于受民族心理、宗教信仰、神话传说等文化差异的影响,数字被赋予了丰富的文化内涵。
- After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States by Russia weak national strength, no time to care of him, on a large scale into the Transcaucasian region. 苏联解体后,美国乘俄罗斯国力虚弱、无暇他顾之机,大举进军外高加索地区。
- Packaging design cultural identity is mainly manifested in the structure of the packaging design aesthetic concept level,it reflects the whole nation psychological commonalities. 包装设计文化的民族性主要表现在包装设计关学结构的观念层面上,它反映了整个民族的心理共性。
- Beijing is still inept at wielding its growing clout abroad and that the country's obsession with the Beijing Olympics reflected a "weak nation's psychology." 北京依然不善于对外展示其日益增长的力量,而且中国对北京奥运会的痴迷正反映了一种“弱国心态”。
- In the period of Han Dynasty, Confucian theory communicated allover the country played the key role in the construction of common national psychology and the form of Han nationality. 汉代儒学在全国传布,从而在构建共同的民族心理、促进汉民族的形成中起到了关键作用。
- In direct contrast to all the members of the upper strata in the capitalist countries who seek nothing but profits,the Soviet Union considers it its duty to help all weak nations and all revolutionary wars. 苏联和一切资本主义国家的上层成分之唯利是图者根本相反,它是以援助一切弱小民族和革命战争为其职志的。
- Therefore, the more knowledge of Shamanism we have, the better understanding we will have of the Mongolian cultural changes, the national psychology, the ethnic identity and their spiritual life. 因此,了解蒙古萨满教是了解蒙古族整体文化发展和变迁,蒙古族的民族心理、民族认同和当今蒙古族精神生活的基点。