- Another wedding?! These wedding gift is costing me a lot. 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真花钱。
- I want to pick out a wedding gift. 我想挑一个结婚礼物。
- Sophia : What did he give you as a wedding gift? 索菲亚:他怎么给你的结婚礼物?
- The elegant tea set is a wedding gift from my aunt. 这套精致的茶具是我的阿姨送给我们的结婚礼物。
- Another wedding? ! These wedding gift is costing me a lot. 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真花钱。
- I intend to offer as my wedding gift a drawing clock. 奉上时钟一口,聊助合卺之仪。
- Another wedding?! These wedding gift is costingme a lot. 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真花钱。
- The wedding gift you sent us is one of the most precious ones we have received. 您送给我们的结婚礼品是我们所收到的最珍贵的礼物之一。
- Thank you for the pleasure your wedding gift brought and for your good wishes. 感谢你的结婚礼品给我们带来欢愉,感谢你对我们无比美好的祝愿。
- They were presented with a complete set of silver tableware as a wedding gift. 他们得到一整套银餐具作结婚礼物.
- It all started with the breakfast tray my mother gave us as a wedding gift. 一切都是从那个早餐托盘开始的,我妈把它作为结婚礼物送给我们。
- It all started with the breakfast tray my motIT gave us as a wedding gift. 一切都是从那个早餐托盘开端的,我妈把它作为姻缘礼物送给咱们。
- They love drinking wine, so a decanter would be the perfect wedding gift. 他们喜欢喝酒,所以细颈酒瓶是最好的结婚礼物。
- For i tance, whatever ha ened to the piece of cloth woven by Mahatma Gandhi as a wedding gift for the Queen? 例如,圣雄甘地曾亲手纺织一块布作为女王的结婚礼物。
- We're looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift. 这礼物很实用,你们想得太周到了。我们会使它“物尽其用”的。
- For instance, whatever happened to the piece of cloth woven by Mahatma Gandhi as a wedding gift for the Queen? 例如,圣雄甘地曾亲手纺织一块布作为女王的结婚礼物。
- Another wedding?! Thest wedding gifts are costing me a lot. 又是一个婚礼?!这些贺礼真花钱。
- I will quietly confer with my group of pals and decide on a new and unusual wedding gift for you. 我会悄悄地把伙伴们召集起来,商量好给你们送一份新颖别致的礼品。
- If you let me choose a wedding gift for him, I would give Yao four 24-inch customized rims at his wedding ceremony. 如果让我为姚明挑选一个结婚礼物,我会在他的婚宴上送他四个24英寸的定制车轮。
- This diamond necklace belongs to my mother. It was her wedding gift from my father. 这个钻石项炼是我妈妈的。它是我父亲送她的结婚礼物。