- Method for measuring amplitude by a wedge gauge 量楔测振幅法
- It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。
- He took the gauge of the new secretary's ability. 他估量了一下新秘书的能力。
- The servant tried to gauge his master's mood. 那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。
- Does the lender require any gage for the loan? 贷方要求这笔贷款要有抵押品吗?
- This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. 这已超出她的忍受范围。
- We must gauge the diameter of wire first. 我们必须先测量电线的直径。
- A wedge or key that fits into a groove to make a joint. 加强肋作为连接物填入槽内的楔形物或舌状物
- He cut the cake into pieces and gave each of us a wedge. 他把蛋糕切成块,给我们每人分了一块。
- Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband. 她婆婆挑起她与丈夫间的不和。
- What does the scale, dial, gauge, etc read? 刻度尺、 刻度盘、 量规等显示的读数是多少?
- wedge gage 楔形角度块规
- He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch. 他中饭吃一根香蕉和一块楔形的奶酪。
- The programme was given a trial run to gauge viewers' reactions. 该节目进行了试演以了解观众的反应。
- His reproachful gage speared into my heart. 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。
- wedge gauge 楔规
- A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge. 难解的绳结得用坚硬的楔子来对付。
- Stellite 6 or cobalt free wedge and seats. 钨铬钴合金6或无钴楔板和阀座。
- His nomination drove a wedge into party unity. 他的提名引起党内不和