- weigela carnaval 双色锦带
- When it's time for Carnaval Miami, the city goes wild. 当迈阿密嘉年华会开始时,整个城市都疯狂了。
- Kim Chang-chu-ride away, one by one young person, Wu Weigela hook. 金骑走长楸,少年人一一,锦带吴钩。
- The Carnaval Bar sells drinks so gargantuan that the hookah-sized glasses attach to your neck with a leash. 嘉年华酒吧出售的饮料是如此巨大以至于只能用水烟袋大小的杯子装,用皮带系在你脖子上。
- Piano obbligato score of [Carnaval de Venise Fantaisie Variee] for Flute by P.A Genin is urgently,please help me! 需要[泰坦尼克号]主题曲“我心永恒”的钢琴伴奏乐谱,急!请大家帮忙,谢谢。
- The most famous festival in Bolivia is the Carnaval de Oruro, which sees dancing, costumes and musical performances. 玻利维亚最富盛名的节日为奥鲁洛嘉年华会,舞蹈、服装与音乐表演随处可见。
- Weigela florida Bush told reporters that she would like to adopt a child, but families are very difficult. 布锦带对记者说,她想领养一个孩子,但家庭经济又很困难。
- Study on the Technique of Histological Cultivation and its Seedlings Cultivation of Red Weigela Florida A. DC. 红王子锦带组培育苗技术研究。
- Yuanwang Zhangze Reservoir Weigela such as Zhuang, floating in the sky, a glance Shangdang Basin. 远望漳泽水库壮如锦带,飘浮于天际,上党盆地一览无遗。
- In summer tassel, Luan tree, acacia, Hystrix real, Weigela flowers, rose, red flowering continuously Hundred Days. 夏季有流苏,滦树,合欢、猬实、锦带花,月季、百日红等植物开花不断。
- Brazil is famous for its energetic samba dancing and the huge Carnaval party held in one of the country's major cities, Rio de Janiero, every year. 热力四射的森巴舞和每年于主要城市之一--里约热内卢举行的盛大嘉年华会,更让巴西闻名遐迩。
- The results showed that Ficus heteromorpha, Camellia candata and Weigela japonica var. smica were main trees that shadowed the community. 结果表明,异叶榕、尾叶山茶和水马桑等是常见的对绞股蓝具有遮荫作用的乔灌层植物。
- The most famous festival in Bolivia is the Carnaval de Oruro, which sees dancing, costumes and musical performances. Football and foosball are common pastimes. 玻利维亚最富盛名的节日为奥鲁洛嘉年华会,舞蹈、服装与音乐表演随处可见。足球与手足球为常见消遣。(翻译:赖美君)
- Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Weigela of Asia, especially W. florida, widely cultivated for its pink, white, or red flowers. 锦带花亚洲的锦带花属的各种落叶灌木之一,尤指锦带花,因其紫色、白色或红色的花朵而被广泛种植
- The tissue culture of Weigela nikkoensis Makino have never been recorded by now, meanwhile there are a few recorder on the tissue culture of Weigela florida cv.Red Prince. 美丽锦带的组培繁殖尚无史料记载,红王子锦带的相关报道也只是寥寥无已。
- Weigela florida cv. ' Red-prince' 红王子锦带
- Weigela florida cv. 'red--prince' 红王子锦带
- Fast technology for tissue culture of Weigela florida'Red prince' 红王子锦带花组培快繁技术
- Studies on Cuttings of Weigela florida L. With Hardwood 锦带花硬枝扦插研究
- Bud inducement and rapid propagation of Weigela florida 红王子锦带的芽诱导及快速繁殖