- welding thermal effect 焊接热效应
- The results show that center segregation deteriorates the impact toughenss of center part and the parameter of welding thermal cycle has different effect on toughenss of steel. 试验结果表明,中心偏析恶化了连铸钢中心部位冲击韧度,焊接热循环参数对冲击韧度有较大影响。
- ANSYS is a widely used FEM analysis soft in the computer aided engineering(CAE)field. A research to application of FEM in thermal effect of welding was made,based on introduction of ANSYS including its system compose,working flow chart and working theory. ANSYS是计算机辅助工程(CAE)领域应用最广泛的有限元分析软件,通过对该软件的系统组成、工作流程和工作原理等方面进行分析,对有限元方法FEM在焊接热效应领域的应用进行了研究。
- Less power loss and minimum thermal effect to peripheral components. 功率损耗低;对周边设备的热影响低.
- Thermal effect of end deformation on the parameters of end pumped DPL[J]. 引用该论文 杨永明;过振;王石语;蔡德芳;文建国.
- The welding thermal elsto-plastic stress-strain cycle of titanium alloy was presented quantitively. 结果表明,钛合金焊接冷却过程中有卸载发生;
- Utilizing a new truncated gaussian beam, maximum smoothness and minimal thermal effect are the goals. 最终的目标是利用一种新的缩短了的高斯电波,最平滑和最少热效应。
- The influence of thermal cycles on the enamel coating corrosion resistance was investigated by Weld Thermal Simulation,Electro chemical Technique,SEM and XRD. 采用焊接热模拟、电化学测试、扫描电镜、X射线衍射等方法研究了热循环对喷瓷管道瓷层耐蚀性的影响。
- Thermal effects are a major factor in polymer deterioration. 热效应是聚合物劣化中的一个主要因素。
- Some problems on the mechanisms of biologically thermal effect of laser are widespread and profound discussed. 本文讨论了与激光生物热效应作用机制有关的若干问题.
- Microwave thermal effect was applied in vacuum evaporative sucrose crystallization. 采用微波热效应方法对蔗糖溶液进行真空蒸发结晶。
- The influence of welding thermal cycle on structure and properties in grain-coarsening region of X80 pipeline steel was investigated by weld thermal simulation technique and the charpy test. 采用焊接热模拟试验和冲击试验,研究了X80管线钢焊接热循环对粗晶区组织性能的影响。
- Investigation of Thermal Effect of HgCdTe Detector with Irradiation by Off-band CW CO2Laser[J]. 引用该论文 李修乾;程湘爱;王睿;马丽芹;陆启生.
- The less thermal effect for a processing object reduces the deformation of work piece and maintains the hardness of work piece. 对加工物热效应少,减少工件变形及维持工件硬度。
- The work showed that the grain growth on heating is not sensitive to the change of heating rate. The behaviour of (Ti_xV_(1-x)) (C_yN_(1-y))particle in steel when subjected to weld thermal cycles has been studied. 研究表明;(Ti_xV_(1-x))(C_yN_(1-y))粒子的高温稳定性表现在其在焊接热循环过程中明显的溶解滞后效应及粗化速率极为缓慢.
- The influence of pre-heating temperature on organization and performance of X80 pipeline steel was investigated by weld thermal simulation technique and the instrumented Charpy impact toughness test. 通过焊接热模拟试验和冲击韧性试验,研究了不同预热温度对X80级管线钢组织性能的影响。
- The transient thermal effect in an absorbing, emitting and anisotropic scattering medium is investigated, which is caused by the laser pulse incidence. 本文考察了激光脉冲在吸收、发射、各向异性散射介质内引起的瞬态热效应。
- By use of the method of welding thermal simulation, the morphology in HAZ was simulated and the post-weld heat treatment under different tempering parameter to the test specimen was carried out. 采用焊接热模拟的方法,模拟HAZ粗晶区组织,并在不同回火参数下对试样进行焊后热处理。
- The thermal effect was regarded as a topical point in the biosensor networks which was a kind of implanted wireless sensor networks. 摘要生物无线传感器网络由于其需要植入人体内部,故热效应是其研究的一个热点。
- The time response characteristics of negative nonlinear intercalation photoswitch are discussed based on the photo induced thermal effect. 根据光致热效应讨论了负非线性夹层式光开关的时间响应特性。