- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社会福利部工作。
- Contact a social worker or call the Social Welfare Department hotline at 2343-2255 for assistance. 有需要人士可联络社工或致电社会福利署热线2343-2255,寻求合适的协助。
- In November 1996,a Witness Support Programme using trained non-government volunteers or family aides of the Social Welfare Department was launched. 在1996年11月,由受过训练的非政府人员义工和社会福利署的家务指导员提供服务的支援证人计划正式展开。
- Will be awarded the health worker training certificate, which are eligible to register as health workers of the Social Welfare Department in Hong Kong. 可获颁授保健员训练课程证书,并在香港社会福利署登记成为注册保健员。
- In November 1996, a Witness Support Programme using trained non-government volunteers or family aides of the Social Welfare Department was launched. 在一九九六年十一月,由受过训练的非政府人员义工和社会福利署的家务指导员提供服务的支援证人计划正式展开。
- The idea of adoption was appealing, but we were somewhat put off by the totality of the rupture between birth mother and child imposed by the state welfare department. 找人领养是个值得考虑的主意。但是想到我们州的福利机构办理的领养使孩子与生身母亲之间处于彻底隔绝的状态,我们又不太愿意这样做。
- Nie Dequan, Deputy Secretary of the Food and Health Bureau, will take office of Director of the Social Welfare Department. 特区政府食物及卫生局副秘书长聂德权将于今年8月15日出任社会福利署署长;
- The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has provided financial support for the development of the self-help organizations since 2001. 社会福利署自二零零一年开始,拨款资助残疾人士自助组织的发展计划,以加强同路人之间的支援网络。
- The CHP will also advise the Education and Manpower Bureau as well as the Social Welfare Department to resume temperature check in the institutions under their purview. 生防护中心亦会建议教育统筹局和社会福利署,在他们管理范围下的学校和院舍,恢复为学童及幼儿上学前探测体温。
- Find out more about the range of rehabilitation services and vocational training support for people with disabilities, as offered by the Social Welfare Department. 你可在此查阅社会福利署为残疾人士提供的各项康复服务及职业训练支援。
- The programme is aimed at non-profit-making organisations and special schools subsidised by the Social Welfare Department that arrange activities for relevant communities. 本计划之活动仅接受受社会福利署资助的非牟利团体或特殊学校,组织合适的社群参加。
- The Social Welfare Department provides a series of articles by clinical psychologists on subjects ranging from relationships and parenting to surviving adversity. 社会福利署提供由临床心理学家撰写的一系列专题文章,内容包括两性关系、育儿、逆境自强等。
- The Labour Department will work with the Social Welfare Department and various training providers to help the jobless and low-income earners to find suitable work. 劳工处将与社会福利署和各培训机构合作,努力为失业和低收入人士寻找合适的就业门路。
- Please supply a stamped self-addressed envelope if you wish to receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your application from the Social Welfare Department. 申请人如希望获知社会福利署已收到其申请表,请附上一个已贴上邮票及填妥地址的回邮信封。
- The money collection bags should bear the logo or name of the permittee and should be marked “This flag day has been approved by the Social Welfare Department”. 获发许可证的机构应在卖旗钱袋上印上机构徽号或名称,并注明"卖旗日已获社会福利署批准举办"。
- In Hong Kong, FLE is one of the major services rendered by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) in conjunction with non-governmental organizations since 1979. 在香港,家庭生活教育是社会福利署所提供的其中一项主要服务,自1979年起,社会福利署便联同非政府机构提供此项服务。
- Our Council is honored to have invited Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, Caritas - Hong Kong and Social Welfare Department to share their experiences with the sector. 本会非常荣幸得到香港家庭褔利会、香港明爱及社会褔利署答允担任分享员,以促进分享会的讨论。
- It is also obtainable from Social Welfare Department Headquarters, General Registry at Room 920, 9/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 本申请表格亦可在社会福利署总部总务组索取,地址是香港湾仔皇后大道东213号胡忠大厦9楼920室。
- For access to or correction of personal data after submission of this application, please contact the Social Welfare Department (Tel. No.: 2110 1495) during office hours. 提交申请表后,如欲查阅或更正个人资料,请在办公时间内联络社会福利署(电话:21101495)。
- It is also obtainable from the Social Welfare Department Headquarters, General Registry at Room 920, 9/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 本申请表亦可在社会福利署总部总务组索取,地址是香港湾仔皇后大道东213号胡忠大厦9楼920室。