- The cat looked very sleek and well fed. 这只猫毛很光滑,看来喂得很好。
- Mary said that she was well fed up. 玛丽说她吃得太饱了。
- The animals all looked well fed and cared for. 这些动物看上去都得到了精心的饲养和照料。
- The horses are all well fed and groomed. 这些马都喂得饱饱的,刷洗得干干净净。
- He was rosy and decidedly well fed. 他面色红润,饮食一定很讲究。
- The population seemd to be well fed and clothed. 全体居民好像是丰衣足食。
- There is just enough grass to keep all the sheep well fed, but no more. 这里的草只够让每只绵羊吃好,再增加绵羊草就不充足了。
- They seemed healthier than the militiamen and stronger, as if they were particularly well fed. 但是,在我跟他们在一起的全部时间里,我们的伙食无非是小米和萝卜,没有别的东西。
- As long as the people are well fed,everything else is easy,no matter what may happen in the world. 不管天下发生什么事,只要人民吃饱肚子,一切就好办了。
- Whether a people can be called poor, where the common sort are well fed, clothed, and lodged? 如果一个人吃饱了,穿暖了,有地方住,还能被称为穷人吗?
- As long as the people are well fed, everything else would be easier, no matter what may happen. 不管天下发生什么事,只要人民吃饱肚子,一切就好办了。
- I expect, however, that fully grown females that are well fed might be able to lay up to 20 eggs. 我期望,但认为完全成熟的女性,都是衣食足可奠定多达20个卵。
- Ensure that your baby is safe, well fed, happy and comfortable and you can be guaranteed some great shots. 确保你的宝宝是安全的,饱饱的,开心和舒服,这样你就能拍好照片了。
- As long as the people are well fed, everything else is easy, no matter what may happen in the world. 不管天下发生什么事,只要人民吃饱肚子,一切就好办了。
- Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. 25你们饱足的人有祸了。因为你们将要饥饿。你们喜笑的人有祸了。因为你们将要哀恸哭泣。
- There you hae it: fie great foods for women and for men that can keep both of you well fed and healthy too. 你现在知道了:5种最适宜男性和女性的食物能保证你吃饱又吃好。
- There was no sign showing that they were well fed, because most of them were dirty and bony. 从头到尾没有一丝养尊处优的痕迹,大都脏兮兮,瘦弱,骨架明显:
- Like other marsupials, when they are well fed, their tails swell with stored fat. 像其他有袋类动物一样,袋獾吃饱后它们的尾巴会变得粗大以此来储存脂肪。
- When visiting the kindergarten one cannot help but notice two things about the children,their healthy,well fed appearance and their colourful clothes. 在参观这所幼儿园时,人们必然会注意有关孩子们的两个情况,他们健康而营养充足的面容以及花花绿绿的服装。
- Cissy: Cats are cruel animals, aren't they. They just hunt and kill for pleasure. Felix doesn't need to kill mice, he's well fed. 锡丝:猫真是残忍的动物,打猎、戮只是为了兴趣。菲利斯食物丰足,不必捕杀老鼠。