- I can well imagine how grieved you must be. 我可以想象得出你一定很悲伤。
- I can well imagine the solemn and ethereal atmosphere of the scene. 可以想像得出当时庄严的情景。
- I can well imagine the solemn atmosphere of the scene. 可以想像得出当时庄严的情景。
- We might as well imagine what would happen if the cliff top were sealed up with cement. 不妨设想用水泥把崖顶牢牢封住,将会是什么结果。
- You can well imagine how delighted they will be to have this chance to come to Beijing. 你不难想象,他们有这个机会到北京来会有多么高兴。
- You can well imagine that many people would try to build lightweight containers. 您可以想像得到,许多人都在努力构建轻量级容器。
- Under these circumstances, one can well imagine the tragic condition in which animals find themselves. 在这种情况下,动物的悲惨处境是可想而知了。
- I can well imagine that cadenced motion must be one of the most pleasing sights in the world. 我能很好地想象到,有节拍的动作一定是世上最令人愉快的景象之一。
- I can well imagine those cadenced motion ought to be one of the maximum pleasing sights in the globle. 我能很好地想象到,有节拍的动作确定是世上最令人愉快的景象之一。
- The wedding of the century theywill open the floodgates to attract the number of media, can well imagine. 这次他们的世纪婚礼,将会吸引多少媒体蜂拥而至,便可想而知了。
- In this age of celebrity worship, one can well imagine how delicate is the relationship between Yvan and Charlotte and how Attal is dealing with Gainsbourg through this film. 然而帽子愈来愈大的时候,脆弱的头能承受压力吗?
- Let us not wonder how reliable these "prophecies" are for the moment. When we look at the chaos in the world around us, we can well imagine that even if these apocalyptic prophecies may not be wholly true, they are nevertheless not totally impossible. 姑且不论这些“预言”的可信程度有多高,只要放眼目前纷乱违常的世界局势,就可以想见世界末日虽不一定遭言中,却也并非不可能发生。
- Let us not wonder how reliable these "prophecies" are for the moment. When we look at the chaos in the world around us,we can well imagine that even if these apocalyptic prophecies may not be wholly true,they are nevertheless not totally impossible. 姑且不论这些“预言”的可信程度有多高,只要放眼目前纷乱违常的世界局势,就可以想见世界末日虽不一定遭言中,却也并非不可能发生。
- They are best imagined as roughly the size of your hand. 它们的大小最好想象成大约与你的手一样大。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- Christmas greetings from a windy and wet eastern Norway. Not a beautiful white Christmas as we would like and best imagine Christmas to be....alas. 我)从湿润多风的挪威东部带给你圣诞节的问候。虽不象想象中的那么美丽,也不是我们所期待的白色圣诞节...唉...
- Can see her selected hardships, the degree of difficulty can be well imagined bigly. 可见她的入围的艰辛,难度之大可想而知。
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你没把面包包好,它变干了。
- Well ‘imaginatively’ Simon and Garfunkel with their hit ‘misses Robinson’ but the point is, as a keeper a single mistake is unforgivable. 罗宾逊的失误被大加渲染,原因何在?因为门将的每个失误都是不可饶恕的。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。