- MRB procedures well defined and documented. 物料检讨程序定义清析并有文件证明.
- These categories are not well defined. 这些类别划分得不太明确。
- The underjaw should be deep and well defined. 下颚应该深而且轮廓清晰。
- The underjaw is full and well defined and the nose is black. 下颌饱满,轮廓清晰,鼻镜是黑色的。
- A riveting story with complex situations and extremely well defined characters. 一个令人目不转睛的故事,包含了复杂的环境和极尽完美的角色。
- These limits, particularly the upper one, are not very well defined. 这些界线,不是很严格的,尤其是上线。
- Humour has been well defined as "thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. 幽默极人们巧妙地描绘成“认真地感受,风趣地思考。
- Humory has been well defined as "thinking in fun while feeling in earnest". 幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表感受,寓深思于嬉笑。
- Hulman has been well defined as thinking in fun while deeling in earnest! 幽默被人正确解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。
- Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. 幽默被人正确地解释为“寓深思于嬉笑,以诚挚表达感受”。
- The topic has been well defined and justified; the topic is researchable. 论题表述清楚,论点鲜明,具有可操作性。
- Humory has been well defined as "thinking in fum while feeling in earnest". 幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表感受,寓深思于嬉笑。
- Accurately defining peak position is very critical for quantitation in gas chromatography. 在色谱定量分析中,精确定位色谱峰是关键。
- It is best defined by two words: speed and brutality. 它可以通过两个词来定义:速度和野蛮。
- The upper thighs are well-muscled and powerful, the stifles well bent, the hock joint well defined and set low to the ground. 后腿上部肌肉发达,强有力,后腿膝关节充分弯曲,裸关节踝关节轮廓分明,距地的位置较低。
- Conceptually, SCA describes all integration artifacts as service components with well defined interfaces. 从概念上讲,SCA将所有的集成构件都描述为具有定义明确的接口的服务组件。
- In this type of cells the nucleus is well defined, being enclosed within a nuclear membrane. 在这类细胞,核界限分明,被包裹在核膜内。
- Must be clear and well defined, taken against a plain white or light coloured background. 照片必须清晰并轮廓分明,背景为纯白色或浅色。
- An irregular pattern of branching without a well defined central axis from bottom to top. 无规则的分枝形式,从底部到顶部无固定的中心轴。
- This building best defines that architect's style. 这座建筑最能代表这个建筑师的风格。