- Everything here is found well developed. 发现这里的每一事物都得到很好发展。
- She is well developed for her age. 她比她的实际年龄看来早熟。
- We find everything here well developed. 我们发现这里的每一事物都得到很好发展。
- The fetus has well developed organs. 胎儿有发育良好的器官。
- The occipital protuberance was well developed. 枕骨隆突明显突出。
- Disk well developed, margin undulately lobed. 花盘发育良好,边缘浅裂。
- Aerenchyma is well developed in mesophyll. 叶肉中通气组织发达,且均有不规则裂生性气腔。
- Forechest--Prow prominent and well developed. 前胸,向前突出,且非常明显。
- The underjaw is strong and well developed. 下颚结实,且发达。
- Well developed and well angulated. 恰当的发达和适当的角度。
- Trees that have well developed taproots are well equipped to withstand wind storms. 有粗大主根的树能经得住大风暴的袭击。
- It's a small country,but it's always been well developed. 它是个小国,但是一直都发展得很好。
- Nowadays the movie industries are well developed in many cities. 现在许多城市的电影业都有很大的发展。
- Water, land as well as air transportation are well developed now. 现在这里的水陆空交通都比较发达。
- Under the present climate,many governments in the region face great difficulty in finding sufficient funds to maintain and develop rehabilitation services in the light of other social needs,like social security payments and creation of jobs. 在目前的经济气候中,亚洲区内不少政府正面临极大的困难,他们为了应付其他社会需要,如支付社会保障援助款项和制造就业机会,以致未能筹措足够的经费,以维持和发展康复服务。
- Even in an immature seed the embryo is sufficiently well developed. 甚至在未成熟的种子中,胚已充分发育。
- We have,since then,been making great strides in developing rehabilitation services,promoting awareness and understanding,and moving towards our shared goal of equal opportunities. 由那时起,我们一直迈步向前,迅速发展康复服务,加深市民对康复服务的认识和了解,以及努力实现人人机会平等的共同目标。
- Fragrance.Term applied to a well developed ang pleasing aroma. 芬芳:用于描述发育良好而令人愉悦的果香。
- But husbandry was gradually well developed in New England. 不过,新英格兰地区的畜牧业逐渐发达起来。
- The flews are well developed with typical hound appearance. 鼻孔开阔,鼻镜为黑色。