- Three trains went out of action yesterday when the severe cold ruined the engines. 昨天严寒损坏了引擎,有3列火车停开。
- She went out of the room in a huff. 她怒冲冲地走出了房间。
- The engine of the car is out of action. 这辆小汽车的发动机出了故障。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那种汽车已经停产五年了。
- What! The photocopier's gone out of action again? What's the problem this time? 什么?复印机又坏了?这次又是什么问题?
- The fire spread and went out of hand. 火势蔓延,无法控制。
- The enemy's machine gun was put out of action. 敌人的机枪被打坏了。
- The ship went down and at last went out of sight. 船在下沉,最后消失不见了。
- After a bad fall I was out of action for a month. 我在重重地摔了一跤後,有一个月的时间不能行动。
- A short circuit put the machine out of action. 短路使机器停转。
- The car went out of control and crashed. 汽车失去控制,撞坏了。
- The enemy guns put many of our tanks out of action. 敌军炮火击毁我军很多坦克。
- The plane went out of control and cracked up. 飞机失控坠毁。
- They went out of their way to help us. 他们特地来帮助我们。
- Her overhead smash went out of the court. 她的高手扣球打出了场外。
- With a shrug, he went out of the room. 他耸一下肩,走出了房间。
- All the fight seemed to go out of him. 他似乎再无斗志。
- The disobedient son went out of his way to scold his parents. 这个不孝顺的儿子越出常轨谴责父母。
- I've been out of action for several weeks with a broken leg. 我的腿折了,已经几个星期没工作了。
- The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a bus. 那汽车失控拦腰撞上了一辆公共汽车。