- Arable sheep farming went out of fashion. 靠农业养羊不再风行了。
- When did this style of dress go out of fashion? 这种式样的衣服什么时候变得不流行了?
- They went out of fashion years ago. 这些东西好些年前就已不时兴了。
- Over time, manicures for men went out of fashion . 随著时间过去,男性的指甲修护逐渐落伍。
- Some styles never go out of fashion. 有些款式永远不会过时。
- His etchings and drawings never went out of fashion. 他的蚀刻画和素描从不过时。
- This style of hat has gone out of fashion. 这种帽子式样已经不时髦了。
- That colour has gone out of fashion. 那种颜色已不时兴了。
- Long hair on men has gone out of fashion. 男人留长发已经不流行了。
- Bravery never goes out of fashion. 勇敢永远不过时!
- I would say that Burberry is going out of fashion. 只要是这个牌子;再过时;那也叫经典.........
- Their style of clothing tends to go out of fashion quickly. 他们穿衣服的风格,是倾向于很容易被潮流淘汰的那一类型。
- Rita : I'm not surprised. Space epics went out of fashion some time ago. 莉泰:这不奇怪。太空征战故事,早些时已经不流行了。
- She's been spending money like it's going out of fashion. 她花钱一直大手大脚。
- The outfitthat she wore had already gone out of fashion. 她穿的装备已经过时了。
- Formal teaching methods went out of fashion some time ago,and new ideas are coming in all the times. 正规的教学方法前些日子就已过时;新的方法正不断出现。
- Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly. 俚语常常很快地流行,又很快地过时。
- Formal teaching methods went out of fashion some time ago, and new ideas are coming in all the times. 正规的教学方法前些日子就已过时;新的方法正不断出现。
- She went out of the room in a huff. 她怒冲冲地走出了房间。
- What's wrong with Colin? He is spending money like it's going out of fashion. 科林怎么啦?他在无止境地乱花钱!