- Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。
- After a promising start, things began to go sour. 起先是很有希望的,後来却开始变得让人扫兴。
- If you keep the milk in the refrigerator, it won't go sour so quickly. 如果把牛奶保存在冰箱里,它不会那么快就变酸。
- The heat has caused the milk to go sour. 高温使牛奶酸掉了。
- Milk has a tendency to go sour in hot weather. 热天牛奶易变坏。
- Everything you thought will go sour. 你想的每件事都可能不受欢迎。
- But then came intermission and things began to go sour. 但随后中断,事情开始变味。
- This milk has gone sour; it has a sour taste. 这牛奶已经变酸了,有股酸臭味。
- This milk has gone sour;it has a sour taste. 这牛奶已经变酸了,有股酸臭味。
- If you leave milk in the sun, it goes sour quickly. 如果把牛奶放在阳光下,它会很快变酸。
- If you keep the milk in the refrigerator,it won't go sour so quickly. 如果把牛奶保存在冰箱里,它不会那么快就变酸。
- The milk went sour. 牛奶变质了。
- When the bubble broke, the excessively leveraged loans made on the basis of overvalued assets went sour. 当泡沫破裂,杠杆融资过度贷款在资产被高估的基础上引发酸化。
- Live upon the sour land long enough and you too will go sour and this will lead to disease. 生活在酸涩土地上足够长的时间,你也将进入酸涩中,而这将带来疾病。
- Their leveraged bets went sour, and the derivatives they thought insured them against any shock turned out to be worse than worthless. 当巨大的赌注一败涂地时,保障他们免受任何冲击的金融衍生品也变得一文不值。
- And Sal Oppenheim, a bank that has been in family hands for over 200 years, may now sell itself after a number of loans went sour. 还有萨尔奥本海姆,如今这家由家族控制长达200多年的私人银行,在多项贷款变成坏账的危机之下,也只能出售自己的股份来维持生命。
- The soup has gone sour. 这汤发酸了。
- One manner of stripping consciousness is to duplicate the sounds of one's field and then remove segments so that one begins to go sour. 剥离意识的方式之一是复制一个人场中的音乐并移除部分片段让他开始痛苦。
- That which was bright and beautiful to begin with began to go sour and off key in sound and became increasingly opaque in color. 那些起初美丽而光明的事物,开始变得声音酸涩走调,并开始越来越变得不透明。
- If not, please consider some of the following reasons why communication can go sour in your relationship. More important, what can you do to solve these problems? 如果不是,请考虑下面一些原因,为什么你们之间的关系出现了问题。更重要的是,你能做什么来解决问题呢?