- western rural labor transfer 西部农村劳动力转移
- The main target of this study is analyses the rural labor transfer how to affect the brain drains, accumulate funds and land transfer. 本论文的主要目标是分析我国农村劳动力转移对农村人力资本流失、资金积累及土地流转的影响,评价我国农村劳动力转移对农业部门及农村经济发展的影响。
- The paper builds the generalized replicator dynamic model that includes three rural-urban sectors during the course of rural labor transfer using the evolutionary game theory. 第四,论文从理论上解释了农村劳动力转移出现的循环流动现象。
- By means of constructing the model of rural labor transfer, the hypothesis is proved tenable through quantitative analysis of restraining factors of rural labor transfer in Henan province. 通过构建农村劳动力转移模型,对河南农村劳动力转移的影响要素进行定量分析,结果显示该假设是成立的。
- training for rural labor transfer 农村劳动力转移培训
- Land-Based Study: A Innovative Thought of Rural Labor Transfer 立地转移:农村劳动力转移的新思路
- The Restriction Factors and Strategies of Henan Rural Labor Transfer 河南农村劳动力转移的制约因素及对策
- Study on Rural Labor Transfer Decision-making From the Viewpoint of Family Net Income 家庭净收益视角下的农村劳动力转移决策研究
- western rural labor 西部农村劳动力
- Study on Surplus Rural Labor Moving. 农村富余劳动力转移就业研究;
- rural labor transfer 农村劳动力转移
- The Urban rural labor is an especial colony in cities. 农民工是城市中的一个特殊群体。
- And the transfer of China surplus rural labor has its own characteristics and the history leave problem made special thing very complexity. 同时中国农村劳动力流动又有着其自身的特点以及历史遗留问题带来的特殊情况导致的复杂性。
- Seamless government theory provides an idea for re-inventing the western rural public safety management organizations. 无缝隙政府理论为西部农村公共安全管理组织的再造提供了一条思路。
- The first is to encourage the rural labor force to find work locally. 一是促进农村劳动力在当地就业。
- Priorities should be given to the family planning program in the central and western rural areas so that a balanced regional development can be realized. 坚持因地制宜,分类指导,重点做好农村特别是中西部农村的计划生育工作,实现不同地区工作的均衡发展。
- The second is to guide the rural labor force to find employment in other areas. 二是,引导农村劳动力跨地区流动就业。
- A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones... 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。
- According to the view of the western development economists, it is a process in which therural labors transfer to the town . 按照西方发展经济学家的观点 ,城市化就是农村劳动力向城镇转移的过程。
- These enterprises provide employment to 50 million rural laborers. 这些企业为5000万农村劳动力提供了就业机会。