- Henceforth, the western tradition in furniture was to be that of Christiandom. 自此以后,家具的西方传统就成为“基督教精神”的了。
- Stansfield / Hooykaas present a different, non-Western, model, without repudiating the Western tradition. 于是文化与自然在理想的整体中结合,成为了真善美的统一。
- Johann Sebastian Bach was an integral figure in both German culture and the western tradition of classical music. 巴哈是德国文化和西方传统古典音乐的完人。
- That is because we are competing with academics brought up in the Western tradition,who are good at projecting their fortes to the fullest. 因为我们面对的竞争者是受西方的传统教育的学者,他们一个特点是尽量宣扬本身的长处。
- Heidegger's truth is distinctly different from the metaphysical truth in the western tradition,therefore he returns to the truth's headstream. 海德格尔的真理与西方传统形而上学的真理有着显著的区别,并由此返回到真理的源头。
- That is because we are competing with academics brought up in the Western tradition, who are good at projecting their fortes to the fullest. 因为我们面对的竞争者是受西方的传统教育的学者,他们一个特点是尽量宣扬本身的长处。
- Both Jyotish and Western traditions have existed for millennia. 周谛士和西洋传统都已经存在数千年。
- In Polanyi s opinion,there is a kind of tacit knowledge out of the western tradition built by Plato which"can be sensed but not expressed in words". 波兰尼认为,在柏拉图的显性知识传统之外,存在着只可意会不可言传的隐性知识。
- The idea that competitive sports build character, a Western tradition dating from ancient Greece, has evidently fallen out of fashion in today's US. 竞技体育塑造品格这一可追溯到古希腊的西方传统思想,在今日的美国已经明显地不再是时尚了。
- The humanistic western tradition of art, a tradition which has not yet died despite many attempts on its life, maintains the opposite. 西方饱经忧患却至今存在的人文主义艺术传统也包含着它自身的对立面。
- The focus of the dissertation is on the premodern Western tradition of panpoetry, a type of phenomena which survived over 2,000 years. 本论文述评的主要对象是西方前现代的泛诗传统也即西方绵延两千多年的泛诗现象。
- In western tradition residence, all antechamber advocate the mobile center that stair regards indoor elegant adornment and domestic interior as, with behaving a family luxurious. 在西方传统住宅中,均把前厅的主楼梯作为室内的精美装饰品及家庭内部的活动中心,以表现家庭的豪华。
- It is necessary to prevent the reductionism which reduces Brecht's theatrical aesthetics to "expressionism theatre", "social action theatre" and "back to Western tradition". 在探讨布莱希特美学思想时,需要防止将布莱希特的戏剧理论简化为“表现派”、“社会行动戏剧”、“回归西方传统”等做法。
- In Western tradition residential, are the main lobby of the exquisite designs and staircases as indoor family activity center, to show the family luxury. 在西方传统住宅中,均把前厅的主楼梯作为室内的精美装饰品及家庭内部的活动中心,以表现家庭的豪华。
- It will be helpful for the professionalization of judges in China to analyze the western tradition of the judges profession with the perspective of sociology. 探究西方法官职业发展的历史脉络和深层原因,对于中国的法官职业化建设不无裨益。
- But theologians say such practices don't describe most people's religiousness in either eastern or western traditions. 但是神学家说这类实践描述不了大多数人们要么在东方要么在西方传统里的笃信。
- Although Christmas is not the retailing extravaganza here that it is in the United States, the market was busy on the eve of the holiday with Chinese shoppers emulating the Western tradition. 尽管圣诞节不是这里的零售狂欢日,但市场也忙忙碌碌,挤满了效仿西方传统的中国购物者。
- "Quasi-epic narration" was relatively closely associated with mainstream politics, having multiple internal connections with Western tradition of epic writing and Chinese poetics of ancient fiction. “类史诗叙事”比较靠近主流政治,与西方的史诗写作传统和中国古代的小说诗学之间有多重的内在关系;
- There are points of contact with western tradition - the grace is balletic, and the musicians form a sort of Greek chorus - but this is very different, almost alien, from European dance. 也有与西方的传统观念的交会,如芭蕾似的优雅、希腊悲剧的合唱般的音乐家,但这是异域般不同于欧洲的舞蹈。