- wheel chair fleuret 轮椅花剑
- His bad leg condemned him to a wheel chair. 他的残腿迫使坐在轮椅上。
- Being confined to a wheel chair did not stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。
- Being confined to a wheel chair didn't stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。
- I was in a wheel chair for a few months and on crutches for almost a year. 我坐轮椅坐了几个月,然后拄拐杖拄了将近一年再来看一个例子。
- Her uncle really enjoys playing basketball and he lost his legs in a car accident. Now he plays it in a wheel chair. 她的叔叔很喜欢打篮球但是在一场车祸中失去了双腿。现在他坐在轮椅上打。
- The president, from his wheel chair, beamed on us all in pleasure and good will. 坐着轮椅来的(罗斯福)总统,对我们笑逐颜开,表示愉快和亲切。
- The doll maker Jae-won, who's helped by a wheel chair doesn't come out of her workroom. 拍摄开始不久怪事接二连三的发生,先是英霞上吊,接著是善英在如厕时的离奇死亡,而正基也被掐死了。
- In the flat for old people, the old granny is demanding to look after child for others even if when she is sitting in a wheel chair. 山东济南老年公寓里,老太太坐在轮椅上还嚷着要给人带孩子。
- The bunny picked up a lot of roses to give Grandpa the Elephant the Bear.Yonger Brother the Piggy who was sitting in the wheel chair,... 小兔还把玫瑰花采下来,送给大象爷爷、熊奶奶、坐轮椅的猪小弟....
- In a case that Ripley's did recently, a woman with M.S. named Mary Lancer was accustomed to living her life in a wheel chair. 在赖利最近做的一项研究是一个终生在轮椅上生活的叫做玛丽.;兰瑟理科硕士。
- Sometimes such forms of imprisonment can include a sentence in prison, or sometimes a life in a wheel chair as a paraplegic. 有时候这些被囚禁的方式可能包括入狱的判决,或有时候生活在轮椅上的截瘫者。
- Hobbies give bedridden or wheel chair patients something to do, and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. 爱好可以使那些卧病在床或坐在轮椅上的患者有事可做,给他们带来乐趣使他们不再总想着自己(的病情)。
- Though he sits so and helplessly on the wheel chair, his thought roam about at pleasure the timespace of light outstandingly, untying the riddle of cosmos. 尽管他那么无助地坐在轮椅上,他的思想却出色地遨游到光袤的时空,解开了宇宙之谜。
- Joe: Because usually when people find out who I am, they get themselves a wheel chair, a 8)shyster lawyer and sue me for three quarters of a million dollars. 乔: 因为通常人们发现了我是谁之后,就会坐上轮椅,找奸诈的律师来起诉我,要求巨款赔偿。
- Y.Takahashi, S.Ogawa and S.Machida, “Step Climbing Using Power Assist Wheel Chair Robot with Inverse Pendulum Control,” IEEE Int.Conf.Robot.Automat., vol. 2, pp. 1360-1365, April 2000. 王祯祥;“两轮自我平衡机器人之前后行走控制”;国立中央大学电机所硕士论文;2003年六月;(王文俊指导).
- Y. Takahashi, S. Ogawa and S. Machida, “Step climbing using power assist wheel chair robot with inverse pendulum control,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot. Automat., vol. 2, pp. 1360-1365, April 2000. 郑钧元,硕士论文,“两轮自我平衡机器人之平衡控制”,国立中央大学电机所,2003年六月。(王文俊教授指导)。
- In 2005, Dr, Tan will be the first person in the world to undertake a wheel chair push in Antarctica as part of his seven continent's global challenge in 70 days to raise fund for childhood cancer. 其实是不要翻啦,我室友她找的英文资料,但要用中文写。我是这么翻的:在2005年,作为其挑战全球七大洲的一部分,陈博士将成为世界首位用轮椅穿越南极洲的人士。此项活动旨在为儿童癌症患者筹集资金,预计在70天内完成。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- Wheel chairs wear out and are expensive and require maintenance.There is also a cost for making the escorts available. 这些轮椅昂贵且容易损坏,经常需要维修,还有轮椅陪送的费用也不低。