- Permits a change in direction of rotation because of axial attachment with bolted grinding wheel flange. 通过带螺纹连接的砂轮法兰轴向固定,允许变换转向。
- The economy analysis is made on the wheelset turning caused by abnormal wear of wheel flange of passenger cars on Qingzang Railway. 针对青藏铁路客车轮缘异常磨耗导致的轮对旋修问题进行了经济性分析。
- SKM STIEGELMEIER GMBH deals in Ball bearings, Swivel rollers as well as with Wheel flange wheels. 请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。
- After approximately 12 months of operation, the LCF-equipped trainsets exhibited wheel flange wear of about 4.5mm at 150,000 km - a threefold extension in wheel life over the non-LCF equipped cars. 经过大约12个月的运行,装备有LCF的列车车轮轮缘磨损在150,000公里时大约有4。5毫米,与没有安装LCF的机车相比,寿命延长了3倍。
- At one point, excessive wheel flange wear required cutting, or re-truing, of the wheels at 50,000-km intervals, and replacement at 150,000 km. 轮缘的过度磨损需要车轮每50,000公里就得打磨维修,并且在运行150,000公里后就必须更换车轮。
- Ways to improve locomotive wheel flange wear 控制机车轮缘磨耗的方法
- Clearance between wheel flange and gage line 轮轨游间
- REBS Wheel Flange Lubrication System 莱伯斯轮缘润滑系统
- With autom. grinding wheel balancing device, coolant unit with bandfilter, flank line modification, grinding wheel flanges, etc. 带自动,磨削砂轮平衡装置,带式过滤冷却,磨削砂轮法兰等。
- The Research of Forming Techniques for Nut of Car Wheel Flange 车轮法兰面螺母成形工艺研究
- Analysis and solutions of wheel flange wear for locomotive in Iran 伊朗德黑兰郊区铁路动力车轮缘磨耗的分析与解决办法
- Application of DJND wheel flange treads in DF_5 locomotives DJND型轮缘踏面在东风_5型机车上的应用
- If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. 如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。
- Keywords flat belt;transmission;convexity of wheel flange;test; 平型带;传动;轮缘中凸度;调试;
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- The car crashed when the wheel flew off. 车轮突然脱落,汽车接着失事。
- Keywords Double wheels Flange Welding machine; 轮对;轮缘;堆焊机;