- If you need a new car, try speaking to John. He's a bit of a wheeler and dealer. 三峡,宜昌,中国宜昌三峡传媒网,三峡日报,宜昌日报,三峡商报,三峡社区,三峡论坛,宜昌论坛,宜昌市人民政府新闻网
- wheeler and dealer 工于心计者; 倒爷
- Plus tax, license and dealer prep, whatever the hell that is. 对我来说这样,加税款,执照费和雇佣金反正总数就是这些。
- On Sunday it was the NHL draft,But by Wednesday it was time for the American NBA wheelers and dealers to step up to the free line. 星期天全美冰球联赛俱乐部大肆招揽人才,星期三轮到美国nba商人施展拳脚了。
- Curator and finanical historian Richard Sylla says everyone has something to learn at the museum, even the Wall Street wheelers and dealers. 博物馆的金融历史学家查德.;西拉说,每一个参访者都能各取所需,包括那些在华尔街上呼风唤雨的交易商们。
- There are two types of commercial paper: direct paper and dealer paper. 商业票据有两个种类:直接票据和交易商票据。
- What happened to the rights of walkers, wheelers and runners? 行人、跑步者和轮椅使用者的权利怎么会这样?
- There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers. 私人收藏家和交易商急速竞相喊价。
- Meanwhile, Mahone slips away from Wheeler and Lang to a roadside stop restroom.He takes a pipe from the sink. 同时,马宏征得惠勒和兰的同意,去公路旁的一个洗手间方便,他偷偷在水池上卸下了一根铁管。
- Wheeler and colleagues were an essential part of this reductionist perspective, as the 50 Wheeler monographs on specific esoteric ant behaviors testify. 惠勒和他的同事们是这种还原观点的主要拥护者,惠勒(Wheeler)写就的五十篇关于神秘的蚂蚁行为细节的专题论文可以为证。
- The cost of supporting GMC's separate marketing and dealer channels could ultimately lead to its demise. 费用支持通用的单独的市场营销和交易渠道也可能会最终导致其消亡。
- In the end is the dissemination of media and dealer stores and the spread of autonomy. 中端传播主要是媒体传播及经销商与专卖店的自主传播。
- But two years ago, the government clamped down this market for some reason , which ,however, caused some complain both from consumer and dealer. 但在两年前由于一些原因被清理了,有些人尤其是那些以卖小商品为生的人开始抱怨。
- I think he imagined that if I went to Wheeler and asked him about Smiley, then Wheeler would make up a story and bore me to death with some terribly long, exasperating, useless tale. 我估计他是这么想的:你找到惠勒问斯麦尔利的事,老惠就会编个又臭又长又无聊的故事来挤兑你。
- Pagano, M., and Ailsa Roell, 1996, Transparency and liquidity: A comparison of auction and dealer markets with informed trading, Journal of Finance 51, 579-611. 黄宝慧,“台湾股市竞价撮合与行情揭示制度对资讯揭露的影响之研究,”1995,国立中正大学,财务金融研究所硕士论文。
- Zimmerman will oversee all four of the company’s sales regions, as well as national accounts, pressroom products, newspaper products, Fujifilm sales specialists and dealer sales. 齐默尔曼将监督所有四个该公司的销售区域,以及国民账户,新闻产品,报纸产品,富士销售专家和经销商的销售。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- "Licencing Event"concerning Chevrolet Blazer of Shanghai GM turned into a hot topic; struggle for speaking right between enteprise and dealer escalated. 上海通用“上牌”事件愈演愈烈,“厂&商”话语权之争逐渐升级。。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。