- The A8435 high efficiency charge pump IC offer a simple, low-cost white LED driver solution for portable electronics display applications. A8435高效充电泵IC可为便携式电子显示应用提供简单且低成本的白光LED驱动器解决方案。
- High Efficiency Charge Pump White LED Driver 高效充电泵白光LED驱动器
- Versatile White LED Driver for Multidisplay Backlighting 用于多显示屏背光照明的多用途白光LED驱动器
- Charge Pump versus Boost Converter The Great Battle between White LED Driver Solutions 充电泵与升压转换器不同LED驱动器解决方案之间的较量
- A white lead pigment, sometimes used in cosmetics. 铅白一种白色铅颜料,有时用于化妆品制造
- white LED driver 白光LED驱动
- The invention advises to use white LED luminescent diode. 本发明目的在于:实现冰箱照明灯的更加节能和长寿。
- White lead was listed as poisons with antidotes about A. 这些文字说明了铅中毒在古罗马非常普遍。
- The A6280 is a 3-channel constant current LED driver that has a wide range of output currents. A6280是一个3位恒流LED驱动器,具有范围较广的输出电流。
- ATMEGA128 the LED driver, port driver of their comrades in the preparation of great help! ATMEGA128的LED驱动程序,对自己编写端口驱动的同志有很大的帮助!
- The Whites lead a cat-and-dog life. 怀特一家过着吵架的生活。
- The pin-fanction and features of NCP101x series are introduced. The Luxeon Star LED driver based on NCP101x are provided. 介绍NCP101x系列电路的引脚功能和特点,给出基于NCP101x的Luxeon Star发光二极管(LED)驱动电路。
- This is specifically designed for applications in serial with the main, i.e.: capacitive divider, for example, energy meter, LED driver etc. 专门设计用于与电源串联的电容降压电路场合,如电表、LED模块等。
- We exhibit our value on fulfill your dreams of developing ASIC and meet your requirements of high cost efficiency for LED driver ICs. 晶锜科技以专业的类比IC设计能力实现您开发自有LED驱动IC的梦想,满足您优质LED驱动IC的需求。
- DARPA's Tether points to military interest in convoys that use a human lead driver to send coordinates to a pack of robots behind. DARPA的泰瑟指出,军方可能有兴趣的是使用一组车队,领军的人类驾驶可将座标传送给后头一群机器人。
- White LED provides the perfect back-litht and economic illumination source to consumers. 白光LED不仅为制造商提供了完美的背光方案,而且为普通照明提供了经济,优质的光源。
- Solid-state white LED! will be a new generation of energy-saving light source in 21 century. 固体白光发光二极管将成为21世纪新一代的节能光源。
- With optimized color filters, less power is wasted than in white LED backlighting. 假如配合优化的颜色过滤器,那所浪费的能耗可比白光LED背光照明来得更少。
- UHB in the white LED for general lighting, street lighting and car park lighting will be an attractive early market. 在把UHB白色LED用于普通照明方面,街道照明与停车场照明将是一个有吸引力的早期市场。
- Insert lead wires. Insert the white lead wire on the right side. Insert the black wire on the left. 插入导联线:白色导联线插右侧;黑色导联线插入左侧。