- White acid free tissue paper inside the box. 盒内装有无酸的白色纸巾。
- The Christmas presents were wrapped (up) in tissue paper. 圣诞礼物都用薄纸裹起来了。
- Buy tissue paper to wrap the gift. 买此薄纸来包礼品。
- I would like to buy some facial tissue paper. 我想买些面纸。
- The shop assistant wrapped it up in tissue paper. 服务员用手纸把它包起来。
- Buy tissue paper to wrap the gift . 买此薄纸来包礼品。
- There is no tissue paper in the bathroom. 浴室里没有卫生纸。
- The engraving was rolling up in a sheet of tissue paper. 版画裹在一张薄纸里。
- Under the acid free condition, 3 acetyl 2 hydroxy 6 methyl pyran 4 one (8) was obtained and its structure was confirmed by X ray diffraction analysis. 在没有酸催化的条件下,反应生成3乙酰基2羟基6甲基-吡喃4酮(8),并通过单晶X射线衍射分析确定了产物的结构;
- A small firework consisting of some gravel wrapped in tissue paper with a percussion cap that explodes when thrown against a hard surface. 掼炮一种由草纸包住一些砾石制成的小型鞭炮,其打火帽在与坚硬表面撞击时发生爆炸
- Innovative formula: smooth &easy application (no drag, non-sticky).Hypoallergenic formula, acid free, no irritation.Odor-free. 创新配方:光滑,以操作,无异味无酸性,防过敏。
- Leave the tissue paper for the patient to blow his nose gently. 备好纸巾供病人轻轻擤鼻涕用。
- The Christmas presents were wrapped(up) in tissue paper. 圣诞礼物都用薄纸裹起来了.
- The engraving was rolling up in a sheet of tissue paper . 版画裹在一张薄纸里。
- Swish in the solution a second time, rinse and drain on tissue paper. 将首饰再次浸入清洁液中,清水冲净并用纸巾擦干。
- Traditionally, the forefoot wound is managed with either primary closure, skin graft, toe-fillet flap, cross-leg flap, or free tissue transfer. 摘要前足的伤口在传统上是以直接缝合,皮肤移植,脚趾皮瓣,对侧小腿皮瓣,或自由皮瓣来处理。
- Hypoallergenic formula, acids free no burning or irritation.Odor-free. 创新配方,无灼热感,防过敏,无异味。
- Perforator-flap surgery, one of the advancements in microsurgical free tissue transfers, has become popular in recent years. 随著显微手术在游离组织转移的进步,穿通枝皮瓣手术在近几年里逐渐普及。
- After a whole I stopped trying to discover the sender's identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper. 过了一段时间,我不再四处打听赠花的人是谁,而是尽情欣赏着那朵用柔软的粉红色纸包着纯白无比的栀子花,欣赏它的美丽,陶醉于那浓郁的香气。