- white glazed color porcelain 白釉彩瓷
- Bend body , the porcelain is ruder, show the padding place becoming orange red slightly, lightning with white glaze color. 此件笔山五峰,曲体,胎体较粗,露胎处微微泛橙红色,釉色白中闪灰,釉层较薄。
- A Preliminary Study of the Porcelain with White Glazed Color of Tang Dynasty in Hean Province 河南唐代白釉彩瓷探析
- " Through the ages, some painted pottery and porcelain were produced-by famous kilns. Good examples are blue porcelain from south of the Changjiang (yangtze) River, glazed colored porcelain and white porcelain from the Central Plains area. " 多少年来,名窑生产了许多彩色陶瓷,如像江南的青瓷,中原的彩釉瓷器和白瓷。
- White glazed, that is representative for Republic. 釉色白腻,为民国器物釉色之典型。
- Glaze colorant, used for decoration, burning of dry blankcontinuous or firing of white porcelain, enamel on hygiene and then glaze. 釉着色剂:用于点缀潮坯,素烧坯或烧成后的白瓷,在其上施生釉再举行釉烧。
- The white glaze of whole body draws birthday celebration picture, the personage depicts is exquisite, color filling is accurate. 通体白釉为地,以粉彩绘制麻姑献寿图,人物刻画细腻,填色准确。
- The glazed color concrete paving brick is a new type of materialfor paving pavement. 光泽型彩色混凝土路面砖是一种新型人行道路面铺设材料。
- The chemical composition of 27 Ru guan porcelain and 25 Jun guan porcelain samples with three representative glaze colors is measured by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE). 摘要选取天青、天蓝、月白色汝官瓷样品27个、钧官瓷样品25个,将这些样品进行质子激发X射线荧光分析(PIXE),测定每个样品的化学组分。
- White Glazed Porcelain Cup with Decoration of Shaoshan 白釉彩绘韶山冲瓷杯
- The design of this octagon vase is tall and simple;the glaze color is green and clear. 八棱瓶造型简洁挺拔,釉色青绿莹润。
- White Glazed Porcelain Cup with Painting of New Countryside 白釉彩绘新农村瓷杯
- The glaze color is basilica yellow embedded with gold line.It seems like the gold-yellow color feature of the tea bud of Junshan Silver Needle Tea. 本品特制高档颜色釉,瓷面的釉色似皇室宫廷黄,莹润均匀,嵌金以修饰,恰似“君山银针”芽身金黄之品质特征。
- The white glaze, glaze the natural flow of fresh and crisp color. vertical ears, the amount of two and a mane, round eyes, neighing like to make. 该马通体施白釉,釉色自然流动,色彩明快清新。双耳直竖,额鬃两分,双目圆睁,作嘶鸣状。
- White glaze is white, painted on flowers, butterflies, peony, dragonflies and Panghuhu four children, has a lovely natural harmony picture. 白釉很白,上描绘鲜花、蝴蝶、牡丹、蜻蜓和4个胖乎乎的小孩,呈现一幅祥和可爱的自然图景。
- Three children are playing in the garden by a colorful porcelain cistern planted with pink lotuses. 三名童子在庭中戏水船,彩瓷缸开放著粉色的荷花。
- "House"-bottles of white glaze was Jingdezhen Yuyao plant is dedicated to the court, the House Shaozao artifacts, is GUANYAO boutique. “内府”白釉梅瓶就是当时景德镇御窑厂专门为宫廷内府烧造的器物,属官窑精品。
- We have more than four thousand art-designs so far, customers may place orders for colored porcelain with our existing decor design or with their samples. 由我公司自行设计的陶瓷花式品种多达四千多种,客户们可以根据需要来样订货。
- As for the glaze color, Jun porcelains have presented its colorful style, which is also there individuality. 在釉色方面,宋代钧瓷表现了丰富多彩的风貌,这也是其独具的个性。
- Changsha Kiln upsurged for its colorful porcelain,unrivaled in these famous kilns,and a situation of tripartite confrontation in porcelain industy formed. 瓷枕则是相对隐蔽之物,所书多是内心的情感独白,以词抒情。