- white noise model 白噪声模型
- W is a zero mean white noise source. W是一个零均值的白噪声源。
- White noise is a good masking agent. 白噪声是一种很好的掩蔽声。
- Then we use FEMLAB to evaluate the restrictions of the decoupled MIMO model and also use white noise testing to justify its adaptation. 最后,使用有限元素模型及引用白色干扰的观念,讨论在上述解耦合过程中的限制性。
- All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods. 我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的白噪声。
- According to the wave analysis based on stable stochastic theory,applying white noise to drive the designed shaping filter,interference model of ocean wave is obtained. 同时,根据平稳随机过程理论对海浪的分析可知,利用白噪声驱动所设计的成形滤波器,能够获得海浪干扰的数学模型。
- Randomness in this case is modelled as a Gaussian white noise process. 模式中之随机性乃视为一高斯白噪音过程。
- White noise on a radio receiver would interfere with all radio stations. 白噪音在无线电接收器将会干扰所有广播电台。
- Noise that affects all transmission frequencies equally is called white noise. 杂讯同等地影响所有传输频率称为白噪音。
- An interacting multiple model(IMM) adaptive filtering algorithm based on expected system noise model was presented. 本文提出基于期望系统噪声模型的自适应交互式多模型(IMM)算法。
- In this paper the motional common character of mobile objective was discussed when the background signal is the GAUSS white noise without building the accelerative model of mobile objective. 对高斯白噪声背景下机动目标的运动共性进行了研究,绕过了建立系统加速度模型的麻烦,得到了未来运动趋势的一步实时预报模型,并具有很好的实时性。
- A noise model including Johnson noise, 1/f noise and thermal fluctuation noise is derived for the microbolometer detector and readout circuit. 推导出了包含约翰逊噪声、1/f噪声和热波动噪声的微测辐射热计和读出电路CMOS差动放大电路噪声模型。
- By constructing proper interpolation variable, more reasonable estimation of the coefficient of an autoregressive noise model of order 1 can be made. 在本文中,通过构建合适的插值变量,获得了对一阶自回归噪声模型中自回归系数更合理的估计。
- Lastly, the paper presents the fractional differenced noise model and the autoregressive fractional integrated moving average model. 接着给出能描述长记忆性的分数差分噪声模型和分整自回归移动平均模型。
- Self talk can also serve as " white noise," taking your mind off distracting stimuli7. 自言自语能起‘白噪音’的作用,使你不受外部影响分散注意。
- Firstly,according to the noise regularity of actual images,the noise model of the algorithm was constructed with the knowledge of readout architecture for imaging system. 首先分析了真实图像的噪声规律,利用红外焦平面的读出电路结构特性建立了噪声模型。
- If you do not have time to socialize during the flight, invest in a good pair of headphones that have“ white noise. 如果你没有时间在飞机上进行一些交际活动,那就准备一份不错的有“白噪音”的耳机。
- It mainly studies and testifies thewind-generated noise model of the shallow ocean and the remote ship noisemodel, which is suitable for the southeast coastland of China. 该项目主要目的是研究和验证适合我国东南沿海的浅海风关噪声模型和远处航船噪声模型。
- A wavelet threshold denoising algorithm is effective for denoising the white noise in image. 摘要小波阈值去噪算法是去除图像信号中白噪声的有效算法。
- Firstly, according to the noise regularity of actual images, the noise model of the algorithm was constructed with the knowledge of readout architecture for imaging system. 首先分析了真实图像的噪声规律,利用红外焦平面的读出电路结构特性建立了噪声模型。