- white sea trout 沙犬牙石首鱼
- A male salmon or sea trout during or shortly after the spawning season. 在产卵期间或期后的雄鲑或雄鳟
- In the Sarasota area, bottlenose dolphins feed on a variety of fish, including mullet, sea trout, and catfish, which may weigh one to two pounds each. 萨拉索塔区的瓶鼻海豚觅食许多种类的鱼,包括鲱鱼、海鳟鱼、以及一只就可重达一、两磅的鲶鱼。
- Here salmon and sea trout are caught on their migration from the Baltic to Lake Malaren.Among the more humble species to be hooked are perch, pike, zander and Baltic herring. 在鲑鱼和海鳟从波罗的海到马拉伦湖洄游时捕渔,同时还能钓到其他种类更为一般的鱼,如河鲈、梭子鱼、梭鲈和波罗的海青鱼。
- If asked to name the best times and places to fish for sea trout, the anglers among us go to their fishing memories built up over past experience, and find sea trout among the linkages as a basis for responding to the question. 如果要问能钓到海鳟鱼的最佳的时间和地点,那么我们中的钓鱼者就会进入他们的钓鱼的记忆,这记忆是建立在以往的经验上的,去寻找发现鳟鱼。
- The meadows lay like a white sea, out of which the scattered trees rose like dangerous rocks. 那一片草原就好象白茫茫的大海,里面露出的那些零落稀疏的树木,就好象危险的礁石。
- The northern Dvina (1350 miles), which flows into the White Sea, is ice-blocked for 190 days. 北部的北德维纳河向北流经1350英里注入白海,全年封冻期竟长达190天。
- If asked to name the best times and places to fish for sea trout,the anglers among us go to their fishing memories built up over past experience,and find sea trout among the linkages as a basis for responding to the question. 如果要问能钓到海鳟鱼的最佳的时间和地点,那么我们中的钓鱼者就会进入他们的钓鱼的记忆,这记忆是建立在以往的经验上的,去寻找发现鳟鱼。
- Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel. 海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕
- Miga is a young black and white sea bear who lives in the ocean near Vancouver Island. 多边投资担保机构是一个年轻的黑人和白人海承担谁住在温哥华岛附近的海洋。
- The Vefsna in northern Norway is a paradise for anglers with its large populations of sea trout and inland trout, and has the second largest spawning area in Norway for the threatened wild Atlantic salmon. 位于挪威北部的维夫斯纳河因其盛产海鲑鱼和内河鲑鱼而成为钓鱼者的天堂,而且它还是挪威第二大濒危野生大西洋鲑鱼的产卵地。
- A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the Northern Dvina River near its mouth on the White Sea. 阿尔汉格尔斯克:苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于北德维纳河靠近该河在白海的入海处。
- In summer the White Sea teems with fishermen and cruise ships sailing from fabled Archangel, Russia’s oldest port. 夏天来到时,白海里会挤满渔船和游艇,它们来自于阿尔汉格尔斯克,那个极富传奇色彩的俄罗斯最古老港口。
- The northern Dvina (1350 miles), which flows into the White Sea at Archangel (Arkhangelsk), is ice-blocked for 190 days. 北部的北德维纳河向北流经744英里注入白海,全年封冻期竟长达190天。
- Russian Northern Fleet is the Navy's fleet one of the big 4, the day-to-day garrison in the Kola Peninsula and White Sea coast. 北方舰队是俄联邦海军4大舰队之一,日常驻防在科拉半岛和白海沿岸。
- As early as 1951, Gustav Herling, a Pole, had published “A World Apart,” about the three years he spent in a labor camp on the White Sea. 一些苏联作家也打印了讲述自身经历的作品,这些作品通过手抄本或自发印行的方式在地下秘密传播。
- Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is one of the Navy's fleet of the four, stationed daily in the Kola Peninsula and White Sea coast. 北方舰队是俄联邦海军四大舰队之一,日常驻防在科拉半岛和白海沿岸。
- Legend holds the White Sea littoral to have been the homeland of the ancient Rus, Viking progenitors of all the Russians. 传说中的俄罗斯民族祖先,古俄罗斯人和维京人,正是在这片海岸边世世代代繁衍生息。
- In a few hours Captain Malakov was going to sail into the White Sea and fire a test shot down the rocket range to a target in Siberia. 再过几个钟头,马拉科夫就将驾着它驶入白海,并从那里向设在西伯利亚的靶场试射一枚导弹。
- A vast inland bay, the forbidding White Sea takes its name from constant fog, snowbound shores, and from September to May, a surface composed entirely of ice. 白海,这一令人生畏的巨大内陆海湾,得名于其常年不散的雾气,冰雪覆盖的海岸,以及每年九月至次年五月完全由冰层占据的海面。