- On the card is printed a young girl in white gown. 半透明纸上印着精美的西文行草请柬。
- A black sash relieves a white gown. 白色的长袍上配上黑色的腰带更显洁白。
- Being a physician on the regular medical staff of a hospital. 医生的作为某一医院的普通医护人员的
- Could you describe the medical staff of a hospital? 您能说一说医院的医疗人员吗?
- She put a white gown on me and pinned it at the neck in back with a safety pin. 她给我披上一件白袍子,脖子后边用个扣针扣
- The seven members of the medical staff serve about500 families. 7名医务人员负责500户人家的医疗工作。
- Li Busu's head was wrapped with a cloth, and he wore a long, white gown. 李不俗围著头布,穿著白色长袍,正走向一个马厩。
- All our medical staff wears a name or identification card. 本院医事人员均穿著制服与佩戴识别证。
- Teri Hatcher opted for a similar look, adding a touch of sparkle to a simple white gown. 泰瑞·海切尔和前面的影星一样选择了相似的打扮,一条炫目的腰带装点着简洁的白色礼服。
- After the body was taken to the morgue, medical staff saw he was still moving. 在他被移到停尸间时,医务人员发现他还能动弹。
- Decked out in old-fashioned white gowns, they still look sensational. [即使]穿上旧式的白色长袍,她们看起来仍然不同凡响。
- Butterfly changes into a white gown, and her new husband gently leads her onto the terrace as vows of love flow from their lips. 蝴蝶换上一件洁白的新娘服,新婚丈夫轻轻带她移步来到阳台上,两人山盟海誓,情语绵绵。
- For the first time, TIMA medical staff also performed two sign language shows. 另外,人医会的医护人员第一次,表演了两场音乐手语剧。
- She had looked so soft in her thin white gown that he felt he had acted stupidly. 她穿着薄薄的白长衫,那样轻柔温软,因此他觉得,他刚才所作所为,真太愚蠢了。
- The injury will be assessed by the Chelsea medical staff on his return. 等待他回来后,切尔西医护人员将会评估他的伤势如何。
- The treatment of cancer is always a problem badgering the medical staff. 肿瘤的治疗一直是困扰医学界的难题之一。
- Edmond could feel again the folds of the girl's soft white gown, and see the droop of the angel-sleeves as she circled her fair arms about his neck. 埃德蒙再一次感觉到她柔软的白色睡衣的皱褶,和她环绕着他的脖子白皙的胳膊,犹如天使翅膀般下垂着的衣袖。
- As far back as the Greeks, the white gown was a symbol of joy. Now a white wedding dress is more a symbol of purity than of joy. 早在古希腊时代,白色礼服就是快乐的象征。而现在,白色婚纱在更大程度上象征了纯洁而不是快乐。
- Le Blanc wore a black tuxedo and a garland of flowers while McKnight, also 35, was dressed in a white gown and veil and held a bouquet of red flowers. 乐白,身穿黑色燕尾服和花环的鲜花,而mcknight ,也是35岁,身着白色长袍和面纱,并举行了一束红色的花朵。
- And one day when I get married, my bride will wear both a beautiful pure white gown and a stunningly gorgeous gold red Qi Pao. 等到有一天我结婚,我的新娘将身着纯白的婚纱,也穿流金溢彩的红色旗袍。