- Grey scale mathematical morphology methods are used to process fundus image. Morphology OPENCLOSE transform is used to erase high frequency noise, and TOP HAT transform is used to enhance blood vessels. 在对灰度眼底图象进行处理的过程中,形态学的OPENCLOSE变换被用来去除眼底图象中的高频噪声,TOP-HAT变换被用来进行血管突出。
- A top hat is a rare sight these days. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见。
- The men all wore top hat and tails. 男士们都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。
- William put on his top hat in readiness. 威廉戴好了他的高顶帽,做好了准备。
- This top hat is for formal occasions. 这顶高顶丝质礼帽是正式场合用的。
- The top hat is for formal occasions. 这种高顶帽只有在正式场合才能戴。
- My father is the man in the top hat over there. 我父亲就是那边戴大礼帽的那个人。
- Mr.Jackson, wearing a single white glove, sequined jacket and top hat at the Olympic Stadium in Munich in June 1999. 1999年慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场,单只白手套、金饰夹克以及黑色礼帽,杰克逊登场亮相。
- Mr. Jackson, wearing a single white glove, sequined jacket and top hat at the Olympic Stadium in Munich in June 1999. 在1999年6月,他在慕尼黑奥林匹克体育馆,手戴一只白手套,身着闪闪发光的上衣,头戴一顶高高的帽子。
- Hollis knew that these people had grave doubts about Top Hat. 霍利斯知道这些人对“礼帽”非常怀疑。
- Caption :Mr. Jackson, wearing a single white glove, sequined jacket and top hat at the Olympic Stadium in Munich in June 1999. 描述:1999年慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场,单只白手套、金饰夹克以及黑色礼帽,杰克逊登场亮相。
- He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat. 他常常回老家来,戴着大礼帽自命不凡地在镇上溜达。
- What is the beam profile (Gaussian, pseudo-Gaussian, top hat, etc. 光强分布情况(高斯分布、非高斯分布或平顶分布?
- A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent. 海狸皮大礼帽最初用这种啮齿类动物的内层绒毛制成的高帽
- She put on her white top with the spaghett straps (it looked good against her honey skin) and settled herself on the balcony to wait for him. 她穿上一件带长条束带的外罩,在她柔美肌肤的映衬下,显得格外的迷人。她坐在阳台上,期待着他的归来。
- Both sexes disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top, slippers or sandals and sleeveless clothes. 男女职员都反对穿白上衣的时候配花内衣,以及穿拖鞋、凉鞋或者无袖上衣。
- Both **es disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top, slippers or sandals and sleeveless clothes. 男女两性都不赞同白上衣下穿著鲜豔的内衣、穿拖鞋或凉鞋与无袖衣服。
- Last year I saw a Ghostbuster wearing a top hat and a wooden backpack. 去年我看到过一个“魔鬼克星”的设计,戴着一个高帽子,背着一只木头背包。
- No many men wear top hats these days. 如今没有多少男人戴大礼帽了。
- Fashion Comment: With the statement to continue being cute, the simple combination brings out her style, white top + 9-length pants brings out the gracefulness. 时尚点评:表态要一直可爱下去的丞琳,简单的搭配很有她的特色,白色的上衣+蓝色的九分裤挺优雅的哦。