- whole geometrical constraint 整体几何约束
- A new method (DM-decomposition of bigraph), for geometric constraint solving is proposed. 摘要提出了几何约束求解的新方法:偶图DM-分解法。
- To the problem of weave texture simulation in real scene,a new method of scene simulation using geometrical constraints of weave texture is proposed. 针对真实场景当中织物纹理的虚拟模拟问题,提出一种利用纹理几何约束进行场景模拟的方法。
- To perform the gear ratios synthesis, the exact solution of gear ratios is obtained from the kinematic equation and the geometric constraint of each basic EGM. 运动综合时,精确的齿数比可以从每一个基本周转轮系的运动学方程和几何约束方程中求出。
- The whole geometric structures of combustor,combustion chamber and furnace tube in delayed coking furnace were accurately calculated by the whole-coupling method. 采用分区耦合的计算方法,实现了对工业焦化炉从燃烧器、炉膛、炉管整体几何结构的仿真,并且对焦化炉内流动、燃烧和传热全部工艺过程进行了模拟。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- The surgeon should not expect that the rotational alignment or geometric constraint of the trochlear component will ensure patellar component engagement in the presence of patellofemoral malalignment. 外科医生预料不到滑车组件转动排列或者几何学上的限制是否能保证膝盖组件加入到髌骨股骨关节排列错乱中。
- Finally,the fully parametric drafting system is realized by organically integrating the geometric constraint solver(CBA) and AutoCAD based on the second development technology for AutoCAD. 并运用AutoCAD二次开发技术,将几何约束求解器CBA和CAD绘图平台有机结合,实现全参数化绘图。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- Some applications of geometric constraint solving in the fields of computer vision, linkage design, robotics, molecular conformation design and computer aided instruction etc. are illustrated. 同时还列举了几何约束求解在计算机视觉、连杆设计、机器人、分子结构设计和计算机辅助教学等方面的应用实例。
- This paper briefly reviews the recent progress in the mechanics and geometry for biomembranes.In biomembrane mechanics, the equilibrium theory and geometrically constraint theory are introduced. 摘要 简要综述了生物膜力学与几何的新进展.;在生物膜力学中,着重介绍了基于微分算子的平衡 理论和几何约束理论;
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。
- Quick Ambiguity Solution by Geometrical Constraints 利用几何约束快速求解整周模糊度
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Survey on Geometric Constraint Solving 几何约束求解研究综述
- The whole building was soon aflame. 整个建筑物不久就燃烧起来了。