- Whole Grain Wheat - Same story as corn. 全谷物小麦:和上面的全谷物玉米一样。
- Whole grain carbohydrate sources to allow for stable energy levels. 全谷碳水化合物来源,稳定供应身体能量水平。
- It has approximately 75%less fiber than whole grain flour. 它比全谷物面粉纤维要少大约有75%25左右。
- Macrobiotic adhere to a diet consist primarily of whole grains and bean. 长寿饮食法的饮食主要是含胚芽和麸的谷物及豆类。
- Brown dyes and addities can gie foods the deceiing appearance of whole grain. 棕色的颜料和添加剂可让一般的食物冒充全营养谷物。
- Potatoes can be important staple foods, but balanced diets need to include other vegetables and whole grain foods. 马铃薯能够作为重要的主食,但是平衡的膳食需要包括其他蔬菜和全谷物食品。
- Vegetarian sources of protein are nuts, seeds, pees, corn, whole grain bread, greens, potatoes, and pasta. 素食者获取蛋白质的来源是坚果、果籽、皮、玉米、全麦面包、绿色蔬菜、马铃薯和面食。
- In general, WG must be the first ingredient and foods must qualify for the FDA whole grain health claim. 只有特定谷粒产品具认证资格;米饭、大麦、小麦片或燕麦片中不可加糖、盐,但允许加油;早餐谷类物类可加糖及铁质。
- You can supplement both diets with a little eggs and milk along with whole grain cereals such as raw oats. 你可以用一些蛋类、奶以及谷类如未加工的燕麦来补充它们的饮食。
- Wheat whole grain flour,Wheat flour, Herb with Cereals ,Yeast, ,Salt, Without to bleach sugar. 主要成分:全麦面粉;小麦面粉;杂粮粉;草本植物;天然酵母;天然海盐;未漂白二砂糖.
- Whole grain breads and whole grain cereals add noticeably to the number of antioxidants in the diet. 全谷物面包和全麦谷类明显增加的数目,抗氧化剂的饮食。
- While avoiding sugar, white rice, and white flour, you should eat plenty of whole grain breads and brown rice. 避免糖、白米、白面的同时应该吃大量的全谷物面包和糙米。
- Choose foods like wild and brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, and whole grain breads. 要多吃像野生米、糙米、燕麦片、爆米花以及全谷物面包之类的食物。
- Wheat whole grain flour,Wheat flour,Oats, Black wheat flour, Yeast, ,Salt, Without to bleach sugar. 主要成分:全麦面粉;燕麦;黑裸麦;小麦面粉;天然酵母;天然海盐;未漂白二砂.
- Consume whole grains as the major component of each meal. 以全谷类食物作为每餐主要食物。
- A macrobiotic diet consists mainly of whole grain and certain kinds of vegetables. 健康的食谱主要包括未去麸的谷类和特定的几种蔬菜。
- Whole grains also contain protein, as do other veggies. 全麦谷物和别的一些蔬菜也含有蛋白。
- Buying a healthy lunch Choose whole grain sandwich bread over bagels, and mustards and salsa spreads over mayo or butter. 购买健康的午餐选全麦三明治而不要选圈饼,选芥末酱和番薯果酱而不要选蛋黄酱和黄油。
- Jade, jade jade-like stone embellish burnish, grease, whole grain in ganoderma lucidum is modelling, clear, modelling is vivid. 白玉,油脂光泽,玉质莹润,整体以灵芝为造型,纹饰清晰,造型生动。
- The Institute pointed out in his report, the food rich in vitamin E include almonds, hazelnut and dried fruits, such as whole grain foods. 该研究所在报告中指出,富含维生素E的食物包括杏仁、榛子等干果以及全麦食品等。