- Minimum two years working experience with a joint venture to wholly foreign owned company. 至少二年合资企业或独资企业的工作经验;
- Because of obscurity of property right in the stated own companies, lag of manager market development and shortage of exam and rules, it appears some questions and quandaries in annual salary. 但由于我国国有企业产权不明晰、经理市场发育滞后、业绩考核体系和配套法规不完备,在企业实施年薪制中,也带来了不少问题,造成了诸多困惑。
- Calgon Carbon Corporation has a manufacturing Joint Venture and a Wholly Foreign Owned company in China. 在中国,卡尔冈炭素公司拥有一家合资生产厂和一家独资子公司。
- Longhai Kandy Confectionery is a wholly foreign owned company with headquarters in Singapore. 龙海康帝糖果有限公司是一家新加坡独资企业。主要经营各类巧克力, 软糖,豆类等绿色休闲食品,进口比利时正宗巧克力原料并加工生产各类巧克力产品。
- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中国国营林场开发总公司。
- That was a large scale state owned enterprise. 那是一个大型国有企业。
- His ultimate goal is to set up his own company. 他的最终目标是组建自己的公司。
- Ltd (SIMP) is a wholly Australian owned company incorporated in 1995, in Shanghai China. Ltd澳大利亚独资企业,具有十五年生产历史。
- Total Huadong Lubricants (Zhenjiang) Co.Ltd is a wholly owned company of Total group, producing and selling the most advanced TOTAL Lubricants. 道达尔华东润滑油(镇江)有限公司是道达尔集团的一家全资子公司,生产和销售最先进的道达尔润滑油产品。
- Most of China 's companies are wholly or largely state owned, notes Mark Mobius, president of Franklin Templeton's Templeton Emerging Markets Fund and the Templeton Developing Markets Trust. 政府已经慢慢地但非常肯定地开始稳定下来。
- She had her own company by 25,not bad going! 她25岁时就有了自己的公司,干得不错!
- Total Huadong Lubricants (Zhenjiang) Co.Ltd is a wholly owned company of Total group,producing and selling the most advanced TOTAL Lubricants. 道达尔华东润滑油(镇江)有限公司是道达尔集团的一家全资子公司,生产和销售最先进的道达尔润滑油产品。
- May I use this DTD in my own company? 我可以在自己公司里使用DTD吗?
- Q: May I use this DTD in my own company? 我可以在我的公司内使用DTD吗?
- How Will the State Owned Enterprises Strive for Talents? 国企如何应对人才争夺战?
- He is going to set up his own company next year. 他打算明年成立自己的公司。
- Under these systems, the state owns all property. 在这样的制度下,国家控制所有财产。
- I just retired. Had my own company. 我刚退休。我原来开一家公司。
- Someday I want to run our own company. 总有一天,我要经营我自己的公司。
- With the business expansion in Asia Pacific, Mondial Assistance Group established its wholly owned company in China in Y2003. 随着公司业务在亚太地区的不断拓展,蒙迪艾尔集团于2003年在中国建立了其全资子公司。