- North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple-tinged flowers. 叶片呈螺旋状开略带紫色白花的北美紫菀。
- North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of flowers spotted with purple. 北美的一种杂草,具有带紫色或带紫斑色的轮生叶,顶端有头状花序。
- North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads. 北美的一种杂草,具有带紫色或带紫斑色的轮生叶,顶端有头状花序。
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula,having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- A southwest Asian perennial plant(Rubia tinctorum) having small yellow flowers,whorled leaves,and a red root. 茜草亚洲西南部的多年生(茜草属欧茜草)植物开有小黄花,生有卷状叶和红根
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula, having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- A southwest Asian perennial plant(Rubia tinctorum) having small yellow flowers, whorled leaves, and a red root. 茜草亚洲西南部的多年生(茜草属欧茜草)植物开有小黄花,生有卷状叶和红根
- Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genus Galium,having whorled leaves,clusters of small white or yellow flowers,and prickly stems. 猪殃殃一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎。
- A poisonous Eurasian evergreen shrub(Nerium oleander) having fragrant white, rose, or purple flowers, whorled leaves, and long follicles containing numerous comose seeds. 欧洲夹竹桃一种有毒的欧亚长青灌木(欧洲夹竹桃夹竹桃属),有白色、玫瑰色或紫色的芳香花朵,轮生体叶和含有许多具毛丛种子的长的小囊
- A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers. 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色花
- Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genus Galium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems. 猪殃殃一种草本或装饰性植物猪殃殃属,有环生叶、簇状白色或黄色小花和带刺的茎
- Any of several submerged plants of the genus Ceratophyllum,forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected,whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers. 角苔,一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有轮生的多裂叶,开极小的单性花。
- Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Casuarina,having jointed stems,scalelike whorled leaves,and small fruits grouped in woody,conelike structures. 木麻黄一种澳大利亚常青树木或灌木木麻黄属,茎连生,叶为轮生鳞片状,果实小而聚集于木质、锥状结构中。
- A prostrate, mat - forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata)widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish - white flowers. 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿白色花
- Any of several submerged plants of the genus Ceratophyllum, forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected, whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers. 角苔一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有轮生的多裂叶,开极小的单性花
- Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Casuarina, having jointed stems, scalelike whorled leaves, and small fruits grouped in woody, conelike structures. 木麻黄一种澳大利亚常青树木或灌木木麻黄属,茎连生,叶为轮生鳞片状,果实小而聚集于木质、锥状结构中
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- Any of several tall North American plants of the genus Eupatorium, having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purplish flower heads. 斑茎泽兰:任一种产于北美洲的斑茎泽兰属高大的植物,长有轮生叶,开有顶生的花簇,花冠形小,为偏粉色或偏紫色
- Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genusCasuarina, having jointed stems, scalelike whorled leaves, and small fruits grouped in woody, conelike structures. 木麻黄:一种澳大利亚常青树木或灌木木麻黄属,茎连生,叶为轮生鳞片状,果实小而聚集于木质、锥状结构中
- I saw him take a leaf out of the book. 我看见他从书上撕下一页。