- Wheat is a widely grown crop in Britain. 小麦是英国广泛种植的作物。
- Alfalfa,apples,cabbages,and onions are widely grown. 苜蓿、苹果、洋白菜和洋葱都广泛种植。
- Widely grown for its fragrance and its white,pink,blue,or purplish flowers. 因其具有芳香的、白色、粉红色、蓝色或淡紫色的花而被广泛种植。
- Asian plant widely grown for its sweetly fragrant pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Centaurea. 亚洲一种广泛生长的带香味的粉红色花;有时归于矢车菊属。
- A shrubby tropical American plant(Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large,tuberous,starchy roots. 木薯一种美洲热带灌木植物(木薯可食用木薯属),以其块茎状、含淀粉的硕大根而广泛种植。
- An Australian tree(Eucalyptus marginata)widely grown for its hard red - brown wood. 赤桉木一种澳大利亚的树木(边缘桉),因其坚硬的红棕色木材而广泛种植
- A shrubby tropical American plant(Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots. 木薯一种美洲热带灌木植物(木薯可食用木薯属),以其块茎状、含淀粉的硕大根而广泛种植
- An Australian tree(Eucalyptus marginata) widely grown for its hard red-brown wood. 赤桉木一种澳大利亚的树木(边缘桉),因其坚硬的红棕色木材而广泛种植
- A widely grown variety of pear with yellowish skin and soft, juicy white flesh, eaten fresh or often canned. 巴特利特梨一种广泛生长的黄皮且果实柔软,多汁,呈白色的梨,通常生吃或做罐头
- Propagation: The carambola is widely grown from seed though viability lasts only a few days. 传播:杨桃广泛种植;从种子活力;虽然只有短短几天.
- It is not widely grown in Britain, as it requires higher temperatures than other cereals. 它在英国并没有被大范围种植,因为它比其它谷物需要更高的温度。
- Corn, common name for the cereal grass widely grown for food and livestock fodder. 玉米,通常被称作禾谷植物作为食物和牲畜的饲料被广泛种植。
- A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum)first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed. 双粒小麦一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
- Asiatic deciduous woody vine having large drooping racemes of white or bluish or purple or pinkish flowers and velvety pods; widely grown as an ornamental. 长有大的下垂的总花状序,带兰色或紫色或带桃红色的白的花和柔软的豆荚的每年落叶的亚洲木质藤属;普遍的作为观赏植物。
- Any of numerous cultivated forms of a widely grown, usually tall annual cereal grass(Zea mays) bearing grains or kernels on large ears. 谷物广泛生长的,通常高大的一年生的多种禾谷类作物的任一种,(玉蜀黍玉蜀黍属)在大的穗上长有谷粒
- A northern African evergreen tree (Cedrus atlantica) , having green to silvery-blue foliage and widely grown as an ornamental. 阿特拉斯雪松:非洲北部的常绿乔木,(大西洋雪松)有绿色到银蓝色的树叶,作为装饰而被广泛栽培
- A Eurasian wheat(Triticum dicoccum) first cultivated by the Babylonians and now widely grown as a cereal grain and as livestock feed. 双粒小麦一种欧亚小麦(双粒小麦小麦属),最初由巴比伦人种植,现在作为一种谷物和畜牧饲料广泛种植
- Although no longer a recommended varietal under French wine law, it is still widely grown in the Nantes, a region dominated by pale white wines. 虽然不再是根据法国的葡萄酒品种的法律建议,但仍广泛种植,在南特,由苍白白葡萄酒为主的地区。
- A northern African evergreen tree(Cedrus atlantica) , having green to silvery-blue foliage and widely grown as an ornamental. 阿特拉斯雪松:非洲北部的常绿乔木,(大西洋雪松)有绿色到银蓝色的树叶,作为装饰而被广泛栽培
- Vigorous trailing legume (Coronilla varia), native to the Mediterranean but widely grown in temperate areas as a ground cover. 蔓生豆科植物,学名为Coronilla varia。原产于地中海地区,但在温带地区普遍长成地被植物。