- Our plans allowed a wide margin of error. 我们的计划为出错留有很大的余地。
- wider margin of variation 较大幅度的偏差
- The schedule leaves a wide margin of time for self-study. 课程表留有充裕的自学时间。
- He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds/by a wide margin. 他以领先十秒[很大差距]战胜了其他赛跑者.
- He beat the other runners by a margin of ten second s/by a wide margin. 我下赌注的几匹马中有一匹跑第二;其余的没上名(没进前三名).
- In exercising its power to impose such fines, the Commission enjoys a wide margin of discretion [2] within the limits set by Regulation No 1/2003. 在行使权力处以罚金时,欧盟委员会在第2003/1号条例规定的范围内享有关广泛的量裁权。
- However, the wide margin of Mr Dhlakama's victory did little to disguise the fact that he was re-elected by what was in effect a rump congress. 然而,德拉卡马先生的压倒性胜利并不能掩盖选举实际上是由残余国会选举的结果。
- It is the book seeing JiMi first here, the autograph album of Snoopy, the poster by a wide margin of Cobain Kurt, the book "Norwegian forest" not read after only buying comes from here too. 是在这里最早看到几米的书,史努比的纪念册,科本的大幅海报,唯一买后没有读过的书《挪威的森林》也是出自这里。
- This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。
- We came to the margin of the wood. 我们来到树林的边缘。
- Chatelaine of nifty wide margin of peaked cap collocation, black is tight slope of pants, rivet follows round head shoe or new fund follows short boots high to be deduced another pattern time. 俏皮的鸭舌帽搭配宽边腰带、黑色紧身裤、铆钉坡跟圆头鞋或新款高跟短靴则演绎出别样的花样年华。
- She win the seat by a margin of ten votes. 她以十票优势赢得席位。
- The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books. 小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。
- Such a range of variation is termed a cline. 这样一个变异区域称为梯度变异。
- He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. 他比其他运动员早10秒钟到达终点。
- We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late. 我们预留二十分钟宽裕时间,以防汽车晚点。
- The output of 13 major products has increased by a wide margin. 十三项主要产品的产量都有大幅度增长。
- Write down a note on the margin of the page. 在页边空白处写上一注解。
- Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin. 页边不要留太宽浪费版面。
- The margin of land bordering a body of water. (河、池等的)边沿与水体毗连的陆地的边缘