- For the same reason, piglets often shiver to produce heat themselves.[4] ... E Virus Transmission from Wild Boar Meat".Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet] ... 库存页面-更多此站结果野猪-维基百科,自由的百科全书英-中文翻译
- wild boar meat 野猪肉
- The dog had its belly ripped up by a wild boar. 狗的肚子给野猪撕裂了。
- The wild boar lay stiff and rigid after being shot. 中枪的野猪挣扎了一会后就僵卧在地上,一动不动了。
- An animal, such as a wild boar, that has tusks. 獠牙动物长着獠牙或大长牙的动物,如野猪
- An animal,such as a wild boar,that has tusks. 獠牙动物长着獠牙或大长牙的动物,如野猪
- I've had to see" The wild Boar Forest". 我是第一次有机会看“野猪林”。
- Earls of Wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham. 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- Earls of Wilbra ham, quasi wild boar ham . 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- Serve with cheeses and game, especially wild boar. 搭配奶酪;野味;特别是野猪.
- He jabbed at the wild boar with his bayonet. 他用刺刀猛刺那头野猪。
- The wild boar ran away before the hunter could get a shot in. 猎人还没有打中一枪,野猪就逃掉了。
- They sent some people out hunting and bagged a wild boar. 他们派了一些人去打猎,打了一头野猪。
- What will be produced if a sow runs with a wild boar? 如果一个母猪与一个野猪交配将会生下什么来呢?
- Man. I think that boar meat's comin back on me. I gotta hit the can. Anyone have a hearthstone? 嗨,那头野猪似乎又冲我来了。谁带炉石了?
- This is the first chance I've had to see "The wild Boar Forest". 我是第一次有机会看“野猪林”。
- Yes,besides wild boar,I hunted owls,eagles,rabbits and squirrels. 是的,除了野猪外,我还猎过猫头鹰。老鹰。兔子和松鼠。
- The wild boar backed and filled as the wolves circled and took nips. 当狼围拢来进攻时,野猪来回走动,不知所措。
- The clever hunter brought the queen the heart of a wild boar. 聪明的他用一只野猪的心交了差。
- The team sent some people out hunting and they bagged a wild boar. 队里派了一些人去打猎,他们打了一头野猪。