- I wish I could free that rabbit from its cage to the wild land. 但愿我可以将那只兔子从笼中释放回野地去。
- Fractionation is unique highland biological species of wild land, as well as the Qinghai " Treble " One. 发菜是高原特有的野生陆地藻类生物,也是青海的"三宝"之一。
- In eleven long years John Bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame. 在十一年的漫长岁月中,约翰·帕克森,在他辛勤耕耘的荒芜土地上,几乎没有留下多少痕迹。
- The abundant as well as wild land in North American promote and moisten the Chinese mordernization,with it's essence. 北美这块广袤无垠又富饶的土地,也以其精华滋润和促进了中国的现代化进程。
- People always associate cowboys with west wild land, cattle, gun fighting, blue jeans and colorful scarf. 提到牛仔,人们自然会联想到西部荒原、牛群、枪战、还有靛蓝的斜纹长裤和艳丽的方巾。
- This is a wild land of enormous skies, nomadic herders and vast farms with the thinnest possible veneer of modernity. 这是一片荒芜的土地,有着广袤的天空,游牧的牧民和广袤的农场,却几乎没有现代气息的痕迹。
- Through the left window, Della could not see any trees or houses, only miles and miles of wild land. 透过左边的窗子,黛拉看不到一棵树或一所房子,她只能看到无边无际的荒野。
- But in the wild lands beyond Bree there were mysterious wanderers. 但在布理以东的荒野中,有着神秘的流浪者。
- As our neighborhoods 1)encroach on once wild land, it's getting harder to 2)keep tabs on our feathered and four-legged visitors. 随着我们的社区扩展至曾经的原始之地,想要监视我们那些长羽毛的或者四脚的访客也变得越来越困难了。
- We have no more ways to escape. two months of keeping clear of open places where everybody can be shot, two months of hide-and-seek playing in dark forests of this wild land. 我们几乎走投无路了。两个月来,我们一直呆在这个任何人能射击的开阔地,在这个荒野的黑暗森林不住地逃窜、躲藏。
- Mister Paulson also serves as chairman of the board of the Nature Conservancy. The group seeks to save wildlife and wild lands from development. 鲍尔森同时还担任自然保护委员会的主席,这是一个在发展中寻求保护野生动物和荒地的组织。
- In these parks and wild lands, you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America. 在这些公园和野外地区,你可以领略到美国原始风貌的自然魅力。
- There are also many state parks and forest areas. In these parks and wild lands, you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America. 还有许多州立公园和森林地区。在这些公园及野生地带,你可以尽情地领略美国自然风光的美丽与神奇。
- A piece of land set aside to grow wild. 划出的一块不耕种的地
- For instance, many companies involving in real estate are close to death, but still possess plenty of underutilized wild lands, waiting for a storm to clean all that up. 如有些房地产公司早已濒临死亡的边缘了,但名下还有许多土地在荒芜着、浪费着,只等待着一次暴风雨的清理。
- Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat? 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗?
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。