- The monument will endure for hundreds of years. 这座纪念碑将屹立千百年之久。
- The story ranks among classics, and will endure for certain. 此书名列经典著作,历久而不衰。
- will endure for centuries 百世不磨
- These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries. 这些相互毗邻的国家几个世纪以来一直和睦相处。
- This custom will live on for centuries. 这种习惯还将继续存在很多世纪。
- These traditions will live on for centuries. 这些传统将世代相传。
- His fame will endure for ever. 他的名望永存。
- The Scots have distilled whisky for centuries. 苏格兰人用蒸馏法制威士忌酒已有数百年历史。
- This old custom will live on for centuries. 这个旧习俗将延续几个世纪。
- But the art of his lyrics will endure. 但他的抒情诗艺术将永世长存。
- Metal and stone endure for a long time. 金属和石头能存在很久。
- His plays have endured for more than two centuries. 他的戏剧经历两个多世纪而不衰。
- Can I be sure? Love will endure? 我还能相信吗?爱还能持久吗?
- For centuries, the Danube was the greatest route in Europe. 几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的路线。
- Metal and stone endure for a long time . 金属和石头能存在很久。
- How dare he attack beliefs and ideas which had been held for centuries? 他竟敢攻击多少世纪来人们所持有的信仰和观念。
- These words will endure as long as people live who love freedom. 只要热爱自由的人们还活着,这些话语将是永恒的。
- Undying love will continue for centuries till we are old to death. 不朽的爱将永世长存知道我们老去.;死亡
- His worship and religion will endure neither mixture, nor partner. 他的崇奉和宗教便决不容有混杂和伴侣。
- buildings that have endured for centuries. 经受数世纪风雨的建筑