- What was cried up by the wily merchant often turned out to be most unworthy of praise. 凡是那位奸商所大声赞扬的,往往是最一钱不值的。
- He used to be a timber merchant. 他曾是一个木材商。
- The merchant had received a shipment of tea. 这个商人收到了一船茶叶。
- The merchant supplies goods to them. 商人向他们供应货物。
- wily merchant 狡猾的商人
- The merchant's cash sales for the day were$300. 那商人一天有300元的现金售货收入。
- The merchant overreached me in a business deal. 那个商人在一笔生意上诈骗我。
- His father is a timber merchant. 他父亲是木材商。
- Her new boyfriend is a snide merchant. 她的新男友是个奸商。
- Harry has kicked around all over the world as a merchant seaman. 作为一个商船船员,哈里周游过世界。
- A book in which a merchant records credit sales. 顾客赊帐簿商人登记顾客购买的商品的本子
- I held two coats over my arm like a rag-and-bone merchant. 我膀子上挎着两件衣服,活像一个卖旧货的。
- We must eat our fruit from the wily serpent's jaws. 我们必须从那条狡猾的蛇的嘴巴里去抢食果实。
- The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets. 那商人只能零星地付给那工人工钱。
- He was outwitted by his wily opponent. 他斗不过诡计多端的对手。
- The customer was sucked in by the wily businessman. 这位顾客上了那个奸商的当。
- Her father was a wily old attorney. 她父亲是一个狡猾的老执法官。
- They became more experienced and wily. 他们变得更加富有经验而机警了。
- Mr Brown lined his pockets by robbing a rich merchant. 布朗先生抢了一位富商,得了不义之财。
- "Chien Pao-sheng's a wily old bird, you know. “钱葆生也刁得很。