- win without points 平胡
- To win without risk is to triumph without glory! 没有冒险的成功,如同没有荣誉的胜利!
- Clearly, such action would be without point or meaning. 显然,这种行动并没有意义。
- One learns to win without pride and lose with grace. 人们学习胜了不骄傲,败得也体面。
- He can win without winning even one of the stages. 即使他没有在任何一个赛段赢过,他也能获胜。
- I don't think we could have won without you. 我觉得没有你我们赢不了。
- The Hawks were without point guard Mike Bibby and forward Marvin Williams. 而老鹰队也缺少了组织后卫麦克毕比和前锋马尔文威廉姆斯。
- In sports fields we can learn to win without pride and lose with grace. 在运动场上我们能够学到胜不骄,败不馁。
- We shouldn't have won without your support. 没有你们的支持,我们是打不赢的。
- MJ did not win without Pippen, nor did Magic win without Kareem and Worthy. 就像乔丹如果没有皮蓬的辅佐,魔术师没有贾巴尔和沃西的帮助都无法成功!
- Rock: So what! I win without practice. Enough prattle. Bring it on, bro! 东焕:那又如何!我没有练习都可以赢。废话够了。来吧,哥哥!
- The result indicated that eutrophication would not be induced in Baiguishan Reservoir without point source pollution. 结果表明,流域内如果没有点源污染,水库不会发生富营养化。
- In most sports, the name of the game is concentration. You'll never win without it. 在很多体育运动中,关键在于专心致志。没有它,你从来赢不了。
- In most sports,the name of the game is concentration. You'll never win without it. 在很多体育运动中,关键在于专心致志。没有它,你从来赢不了。
- I think T-mac hates the fact that ROX are winning without him. 你错了,新人其实都是马甲,马甲其实都是名人堂过来的。
- They want to show Brown and the rest of the league that they can win without him and that they are here to stay. 布朗表示,他们希望剩下的联赛,没有他,他们能赢得,他们是绝不会改变的。
- One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace. 一个人要学会奋力拼搏,但要公平竞争,要胜不骄,败不馁。
- Said Jackson , when asked whether the Lakers can win without meaningful Bynum contributions: "We still feel capable. 杰克逊说,当被问到湖人赢球没有意义的拜纳姆说:“我们仍然觉得他的贡献能力。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。
- But when Yao gets hurt and the Rox are learning to win without him, they are better without him. 但是在姚明受伤的时候火箭也在学习怎么在没有他的时候赢球。