- You are now ready to develop wind pressure diagrams for a simple rectangular building. 现在你已经准备好计算一个简单的长方形建筑的风压图表。
- The development of the code-based wind pressure diagrams, which are discussed in the next section, required many simplifying assumptions about these complex issues. 在下节讨论的,基于规范的风压图表的开发,需要许多对这些复杂的问题简化假设。
- wind pressure diagram 风压图
- Wind pressure: 560mm(22吋) Wind volume: 2.8m3/min Rated volta... 永康市巨强工具制造有限公司>>类别:电吹风浙江省-永康市2008-12-2210:19
- Puts forward several ways to solve overpressure of the hot water boiler for a project.Applies the pressure diagram to analyze the problem. 对某工程中出现的热水锅炉超压问题提出几种解决办法,利用水压图进行分析。
- In following design process, desirable heating effect can be obtained through defining the location of household regulating valves and throttling quantity with pressure diagram. 在后续管网设计过程中,通过水压图分析确定用户调节阀安装位置及节流量方可获得理想的并网效果。
- This device may form a complete set with FY type wind pressure blow-sweep cabinet to use. 该装置可与FY型风压吹扫柜配套使用。
- The front wall is still subjected to wind pressure, although the back wall is shielded from it. 正面墙仍然受到风压作用,尽管后墙因受到掩蔽不会受到它的作用。
- The second part is about the effect of eaves construction and roofing material on wind pressure. 第二部分是关于屋檐构造和屋面材料对低矮建筑的抗风影响;
- Solar wind pressure is at a 50-year low and our local star is ever so slightly dimmer than it was 10 years ago. 太阳风的压力正处于50年来的最低水平,我们的太阳也比10年前稍暗了。
- A wsp of 1.75 inches is equal to an approximate wind pressure against the structure of 80 mph. 1.;75英寸水柱可承受每小时80英里的风压。
- SWF-S double fast series, but gearshift moves, use at changing wind force, change the circumstance of wind pressure. 4.;SWF-S双速系列;可变速运行;用在变风力;变风压的场次。
- The full plastic and half plastic shutter can be opened by wind pressure, single direction linkage and double direction linkage. 全塑、塑百叶打开有风压式、单向连动式、向连动式。
- In uranium mine ventilation, wind force, wind pressure and wind direction are the three major factors affecting radon reduction technology. 铀矿通风中,风量、压和风流方向是三个影响降氡技术的重要因素。
- Analyses the common problems existed in present pressurization methods. Based on experiences in practice, puts forwards two improved modes, and presents a qualitative analysis of system pressure distribution (pressure diagram). 摘要分析了目前常压热水锅炉供暖系统定压方式存在的一些问题。结合实践提出了两种新的定压方式,并对其压力分布(水压图)进行了定性分析。
- An investigation to reconstruction and prediction of wind pressure field on roof with proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is presented. 摘要给出利用本征正交分解(POD)对屋盖风压场进行重建和预测的研究结果。
- Deduces theoretically the natural ventilation calculation under the action of thermal pressure and wind pressure individually and simultaneously. 从理论上推导出热压、风压以及二者共同作用下的自然通风计算方法。
- Empirical formula for the frequency response functions are proposed and applied to revise the distorted wind pressure signal.Conc... 结论由回归得到的管路频率响应函数用于对实际管路脉动风压测试结果进行修正,结果较为满意,证明本文方法的有效性。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。