- Advocates a windfall profits tax on oil companies. 主张对石油公司实行高额税收政策。
- But two years ago Beijing slapped on a windfall profit tax that generates $8 billion in government revenues used to subsidize energy-hungry Chinese industries. 但是两年前北京出台了一项新的税收政策,一次性搞到了80亿美元的巨额政府收入,用来补贴急需能源的中国工业。
- In addition, there should be a windfall profits tax on oil and gas companies. 另外,应设立对那些燃汽公司的暴利征税。
- Behind windfall profit of small coal pits 小煤窑暴利的背后
- True, vendors of hard and soft commodities based outside China have enjoyed windfall profits. 的确,总部不在中国的有形与无形商品经销商一直在大发横财。
- The latest lousy policy to go over the side is a windfall profits tax on U.S. oil companies. 最近的一项政策很臭,离他承诺相距甚远,那就是美国石油公司的暴利利润税。
- Are oil companies, I ask, more morally culpable than other industries that would not be subject to Obama's proposed [windfall profits] tax? 我问:是不是石油公司,比那些不受制于老奥的“暴利税”的行业,更需要得到道德的谴责?
- Windfall profit may be regarded to be too high by authorities 当局可能会认为存在暴利
- While some developing countries are cutting back, oil exporting nations are reaping windfall profits from the quadrupling of oil prices in the past five years. 与此同时,一些发展中国家正在减少石油消费,而石油出口国家却在大发横财,5年来石油价格增长了4倍,给这些国家带来巨大的利润。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- While it continues to benefit from record high oil prices, China's leading oil producer has been hit this year by a new windfall profits tax, which the Chinese government imposed in March. 尽管中石油继续受益于创纪录的高油价,但中国政府于今年3月份开始对石油企业开征特别收益金(称“石油暴利税”)影响到这家中国领先的石油生产商的业绩。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那笔意外的收入用於偿付抵押。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- He makes a profit of five dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- The windfall allowed me to buy a house. 这意外之财使我得以购置一幢房子。
- The painting was sold at a profit. 这幅图画可获利销售。
- Analysis of Model of Business Cooperation and Profit Distribution Based on Windfall Profit Product Under Closed-Loop Supply Chain 暴利品的闭环供应链企业合作模型及利润分配分析
- The deal netted (him) a handsome profit. 这笔交易(他)捞到可观利润。