- The car industry is forming into two camps: winners and losers. 汽车工业正形成两大阵营:成功者和失败者。
- Your school mai have done awai with winner and losers. 这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。
- The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. “成功者”和“失败者”两词含义颇多。
- This creates what some disparagingly call “a winners and losers society”. 这使得被某些人斥为是“成败分明的社会”在日本出现。
- But the same revolution fragmented the globe by estranging winners and losers. 可是这同一个革命又分裂的全球,是胜利者和失败者相疏远。
- Paula Hancocks is in Rome with a look at the winners and losers in Italy's heat wave. 波拉·考克斯正在罗马了解意大利热浪的赢家和输家的情况。
- It is not just the scramble for customers in new markets that will divide the industry into winners and losers. 在汽车产业中,划分胜利者与失败者决不只是靠在新市场抢夺市场份额。
- English will endure, but its predominance is throwing up some surprising winners and losers. 英语将经久不衰,但其主导地位正催生一些意料之外的赢家与输家。
- This film deals with sex and death, living and dying, winners and losers, power and helplessness. 安静呈现了孤独、贫穷、色情、死亡,以及全球化下愈形严重的外来人口问题,又狠、又冷、又准。
- The zero-sum game seems simplistic, but it's often misconstrued as creating winners and losers. 可能会是这样,但是这不是固有的规律。
- I hope we can go on to win these trophies again but sometimes, as we saw in Moscow, small margins separate winners and losers. 我希望我们能再次赢得冠军,但有时候就像你在莫斯科见到的,胜利和失败只有很小的距离。
- The real difference between winners and losers is not so much native ability as it is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes. 成功者和失败者之间的真正区别,与其说是天生的能力,还不如说是在避免错误中表现的有素的训练。
- More than anything else, our modern neoliberal ideology contends that competition and a culture of winners and losers assures us all our freedom. 我们的新自由主义意识形态比任何东西都更加主张竞争以及赢家与输家所构成的文化才确保了我们的一切自由。
- A feeling that life is unfair and precarious sharpens the divide between winners and losers and risks political upsets.Fourth is competition. 第三点是更健全的社会安全体系,对生命的不公平感觉和贫富悬殊让两极分化更为严重,并且有造成颠覆的政治风险;
- But I am not arguing that the government should pick winners and losers: only that it should stabilise a broad basket of stocks. 但是我们不是说政府应该挑选赢者和输者:只是应该稳定股票。
- This example will automatically set the WINNER and LOSER variables when the TIMES hash has more than one entry. 当TIMES散列有多个项时,该示例将自动设置WINNER和LOSER变量。
- It was at the Azores that the winners and losers were determined and as ever, it was the weather that had a lot to do with it, in the form of a High and a few lows. 在海港的另一边,露营者&尼科尔森码头可以被用来停泊帆船。在大西洋的另一边,里约热内卢被从比赛航程中去掉了,因为那里的天气状况不利于航行,此外,还有一个原因是在狂欢节期间,船员与高级帆船俱乐部之间发生过冲突。
- Ever since people got together and bartered stone tablets, spears and hatchets, or something to eat, there have been winners and losers in the commodity game. 自从人类聚集在一起,互相交换石板、长矛、短斧和食物以来,商品交易的游戏中,就有赢家和输家之分。
- Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has argued in the past that when house prices fluctuate, there are both winners and losers, but no net wealth effect. 伦敦经济学院的WillemBuiter认为过去当房价波动时,会有赢家和输家,但是没有净财富效应。
- The difference between winner and loser is the manner of dealing with oppotunity.The former is prepared to welcome the oppotunity and the latter lets it pass because of laziness. 成功者与失败者的区别在于处理机遇的态度。成功者做好充分准备迎接机遇的适时来临。而失败者工作懒散,眼看机遇悄然而过.