- She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. 她站起来擦擦脸上的汗珠。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- Occasionally she had to take sleeping pills. 她偶尔不得不吃安眠药。
- All the solemnities of the occasion were observed. 那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。
- Please give the table mats a quick wipe. 请把桌上的盘碗垫擦一下。
- A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally. 接触不良有时会造成断电。
- He managed to remain cool by swimming occasionally. 他不时地游泳来使自己保持凉快。
- He had perked himself up for the occasion. 他为此事打扮了一番。
- His keen wit flashes out occasionally. 他的机智不时闪露出来。
- Please wipe the table with a dry cloth. 请用乾抹布擦桌子。
- A funeral is a melancholy occasion. 葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。
- If the enemy continue to resist, wipe them out. 如果敌人继续抵抗,就把他们消灭掉。
- He will help us as occasion requires. 必要时,他会帮助我们的。
- He dropped in on us occasionally. 他不时来我这儿坐坐。
- You'd better wipe the thought from your mind. 你还是打消那个念头吧。
- On that occasion he looked a perfect fool. 在这个场合,他看起来就像一个大傻瓜。
- A knitter has to be a twister occasionally. 一个针织工偶然成了捻搓工。
- Can if you have time, you wipe the window? 如果你有时间,你能擦一擦窗户吗?
- The story came pat to the occasion. 那个故事恰恰适合那个场合。
- Don't wipe your jammy fingers on the table-cloth. 你别在桌布上擦沾了果酱的手指。