- wire enamel solvent 漆包线漆溶剂
- A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。
- The pots are made with blue enamel. 这些锅上有蓝色的搪瓷。
- Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
- With deft fingers she untangled the wire. 她用灵巧的手指解开了金属线。
- The ground is shut in by a wire fence. 那块地被铁丝篱笆围住。
- The enamel of her teeth is very white. 她牙齿的珐琅质很白。
- Rust has already bitten into the enamel. 铁锈已经烂进搪瓷里去了。
- The heavy wind cut off the wire. 大风刮断了电线。
- They need the money to stay solvent. 他们需要这笔钱来保持偿付能力。
- Anyone touching that wire could get badly shocked. 任何人碰到那根电线都会遭到严重的电击。
- He got an application in under the wire. 他在截止日期前交了申请书。
- His land was fenced with barbed wire. 他的土地用铁丝网围著。
- He wormed(his way) in under the wire. 他从铁丝网下蜿蜓而入。
- The rope was not strong enough, so we used wire. 这根绳子不够结实,所以我们用金属线。
- Keep the wire stretched tight don't let it kink. 把铁丝拉紧,别让它扭成结。
- Purpose: Used in nuclear power, enamel, optic glass, booster solvent. 用途:用作核工业、瓷工业、学玻璃制造业,并可用作助熔剂。
- The thinness of the wire was a great problem. 电线很细是个大问题。
- They built a rough model out of sticks and wire. 他们用木条和金属丝做了个粗制的模型。
- The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists. 万能溶剂炼金术士曾一度寻求的假想的万能溶剂