- China is prospering with each passing day. 中国正在蒸蒸日上。
- His health is getting better with each passing day. 他的身体日渐好转。
- Output has increased with each passing day. 产量与日俱增。
- I love him more with each passing day. 随着时间的流逝,我越发爱他了。
- The dissent grew and grew with each passing day. 抗议行为一天天增多。
- Our great motherland is flourishing with each passing day. 我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上。
- She hopes with each passing day early to arrive her mother. 她盼望早日见到她的母亲。
- The face of our motherland has been changing with each passing day. 祖国面貌日新月异。
- The situation is getting better and better with each passing day. 形势一天比一天好。
- The struggle between them gets more tense with each passing day. 它们之间的斗争日益尖锐。
- They are becoming more awakened with each passing day. 他们日益觉醒。
- We hope to see our friendship grow with each passing day. 我们希望我们的友谊日益发展。
- The newly-developed town is prospering with each passing day. 这个新发展起来的城市简直是蒸蒸日上。
- The socialist revolution is deepening with each passing day. 社会主义革命日益深入。
- Interest in his idea declined with each passing day. 他的兴趣随着一天天的过去而变淡了。
- Things are getting better and better for the country with each passing day. 这个国家的情况一天天好起来.
- The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day. 这座新发展起来的卫星城蒸蒸日上。
- The international standing and influence of socialist China are growing with each passing day. 社会主义中国的国际地位和国际影响与日俱增。
- As China implements its reform and opening to the outside world,it is changing with each passing day. 中国实行了对外开放,正日新月异地发展着。
- As is well known,in the world today,science and technology is changing with each passing day. 众所周知,世界科学技术发展日新月异。