- The ancient tree blots out the sky and covers the sun with luxuriant foliage. 这棵古树,枝繁叶茂,遮天蔽日。
- There is a park with luxuriant foliage, steep steps, the chirps of the cicadas on Tanfeng and Huilung area where is a good place to go for a stroll. 在丹凤迴龙处,有座可以做森林浴的公园,茂密的林木、陡长的阶梯、宏亮的蝉鸣、浓郁的芬多精,是座散步休閒的好去处。
- The cypress, rising to a height of 25 metres, looks tall and stately with luxuriant foliage and age seems only to have brought it strength and venerability. 大院中的宋代巨柏,高达25米,树势雄伟,枝叶葱翠,古老苍劲。
- peach and plum trees covered with luxuriant foliage 桃李阴翳
- This region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer. 在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。
- In summer the house next door is hidden luxuriant foliage. 夏天时,隔壁房子被繁茂的叶子所掩盖。
- with luxuriant foliage 枝叶繁茂
- They live in a luxurious room with a window commanding a view of luxuriant foliage. 他们住在一间豪华的房间里,房间窗户朝向一片茂密的花草。
- The many delicate forms concealed in summer by luxuriant foliage, were now clearly defined, and looked like glittering lace-work. 整个世界就像是一大片白珊瑚林,就好像所有的枝子上都挂满了闪闪发光的白花。
- After his retirement, He had been living in a old little town which was surrounded with luxuriant woods. 退休后他一直住在一个古老的小镇上,小镇四周是茂密的树林。
- The high life with luxury and high tech thats for you? 奢华 &高科技的生活合你的胃口?
- The guest rooms have been refurbished with luxurious carpets and fittings. 客房都重新装修了舒适的地毯和家具。
- A last possibility was that she wanted to surround him with luxuries. 最后一种可能,就是她想用舒适享乐的生活把他给圈
- The guest rooms have been refurbished with luxurious carpets and fittings . 客房都重新装修了舒适的地毯和家具。
- All rooms are equipped with luxury bathrooms and a radio with 440 channels. 所有客房都装备了豪华浴室和提供440频道的收音机。
- Childhood is a square array arranged with luxuriant cowpea, expecting the arrival of bees and butterflies who will dance to the innocent and beautiful dream of their tiny hearts. 童年是一丘茂盛的豇豆排成的方阵,企望蜂蜂蝶蝶的莅临,翩跹着小心灵的天真美梦。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- The slopes are covered with luxuriant virgin forests spreading over a million hectares of land. 山坡上是茂密的原始森林,面积有100多万公顷。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。