- I have some sympathy with that point of view. 我比较赞成这种看法。
- I won't let him get away with that excuse. 我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。
- I do not think anyone will dispute with that. 我认为没有人会不同意这点。
- Be careful with that saucepan the handle's loose. 小心那个长把儿锅--把儿可松了。
- Mr. Chairman, on a point of information I utterly reject that view. 主席先生,关于信息的问题,我绝对不接受那种观点。
- Don't injure yourself with that tool. 不要让那工具伤害到你。
- With that view I took some of the papers, and, making short hints of the sentiments in each sentence, laid them by a few days. 有了这种念头,我就挑出几篇文章,逐句写出大意,暂时搁置一边。
- One can sympathise with that view even if economics dictates that China's saving habit had to be balanced by excess spending somewhere else. 人们可能会赞同温家宝的观点,虽然经济学原理显示,中国的储蓄习惯,必须由其它地区的过度消费加以均衡。
- He caught me off base with that question. 他的问题猝然把我给问倒了。
- He used to run around with that crowd. 他过去常和那伙人鬼混。
- He was briefly associated with that organization. 他同那个组织有过短时间的联系。
- Be careful to match this design with that. 注意把这个设计兴那个设计互相调配。
- You ought to keep indoors with that heavy cold. 你患重感冒应该留在屋里。
- I don't associate with that crowd. 我不跟那伙人打交道。
- With that view in mind, President Barack Obama's critics say the government has no business picking GM's chief executive and apportioning losses among auto workers, pensioners, suppliers and lenders. 从上述传统观点出发,批评奥巴马政府的人认为,政府没有权力去插手通用挑选首席执行长、在各利益相关方(汽车工人、退休人员、供应商和贷款银行)之间分配损失。
- That view is rapidly being recognized here. 那种观点在这儿正迅速得到人们的公认。
- She has been thick with that family for years. 多年来她与那家关系密切。
- There's no reasoning with that woman. 那个女人简直不可理喻。
- That view of the case did not occur to me before. 对这种病例,我过去从未有过这种看法。
- Hang on, can we stick with that point about cubism? 等一等,我们可以继续谈谈关于立体主义的那个问题吗?