- You could with profit spend some extra time studying the text. 你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的。
- I have read the book with profit. 我读完这本书后感到获益匪浅。
- Future lawyers could study this text with profit. 未来的律师们研读这一文本也许会有裨益。
- I have read it with profit [to my great profit]. 我读完它之后得益匪浅 [大受裨益] 。
- After business investing in brushstroke, with profit pattern do not reject to increase investment for reality. 投资商在第一笔投资后,就以盈利模式不现实为由拒绝追加投资。
- You can with profit spend some extra time studying the text. 你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的。
- You need a quite big army to raid an oasis with profit. 但你需要一队相当大的军队用利润突袭一个绿洲。
- This is highly profitable business. 这是一本万利的生意。
- The farm is a highly profitable business. 该农场是一个赢利颇丰的企业。
- You could with profit spend some extra time learning a foreign language. 你额外花些时间学习外语是有好处的。
- That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 好书开卷引人入胜,终卷使人获益。
- There is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 一本好书开卷引人入胜;掩卷使人获益.
- With profits up 130% our firm is sitting pretty. 我们公司利润高达130%25,形势非常好。
- He was tarred with profiteering brush. 他因谋取不正当的利益而声名狼籍。
- This doesn't seem a very profitable business, I'm afraid. 这生意怕赚不了多少钱。
- He was tarred with profiteering brush . 他因谋取不正当的利益而声名狼籍。
- With that amount of money I should be able to engage in some profitable business. 如果有了那笔钱,我就可以从事一些有利可图的事业。
- This book attempts to give evidence that when using strict business logic, the exclusive obsession with profit is not only short-sighted, but can harm business interests. 本书尝试证明:如果使用严格的商业逻辑,这种对于利润的过分追求不仅是一种短期行为,而且会损害商业利益。
- So selling Alcon, a highly profitable business, will not make much of a dent. 所以出售爱尔康,一笔高利润的买卖,不会导致负面的重大影响。
- Therefore,all good books can be read with profit and renewed pleasure a second time. 所以,一切好书重读起来都可以获得益处和新乐趣。