- He commands the respect of all who know him well. 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
- The book is admirable in respect of style. 这本书风格极佳。
- In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable. 在资信方面,这家商行还是很可靠的。
- Death is no respecter of persons. 死亡是不分贫富贵贱的。
- The teacher is no respecter of his students. 这位老师不偏袒任何学生。
- Respect of the young for the old is quite natural. 年轻人尊敬老人是十分自然的。
- It is no good to have respect of persons. 徇私是很不好的。
- He is wrong in respect of new novels. 他关于新小说的观点是错误的。
- You hold too heinous a respect of grief. 你把悲哀过分看重了。
- He is junior to me in respect of service. 他的工龄比我短。
- She enjoys the respect of her peers. 她受到同侪的尊敬。
- She was able to command the respect of the class. 她赢得了全班的尊敬。
- For there is no respect of persons with God. 因为神不偏待人。
- You would know all the respect of the young man. 你会知道一个年轻男子的全部尊敬。
- He spoke without respect of persons. 他的话没有偏袒任何人。
- In respect of age, I am his senior. 论年纪, 我比他大。
- His defiance has earned the respect of his peers. 他的挑战已获得了同龄人的尊敬。
- His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his colleagues. 他专心致力於教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。
- What should respect of diabetic person food notice? 糖尿病人饮食方面要注意些什么?
- DPRK agreed, has agreed, agrees and will agree for the international cooperation and providing ICT aid to DPRK within respect to DPRK's political and economical structure. 朝鲜十分同意参与国际合作,也是万分支持国际合作和ICT方面的发展!