- Driving without due care and attention is a crime in the eyes of the law. 开车不谨慎小心,从法律的角度来看是一种犯罪行为。
- He was charged with driving without due care and attention. 他被控鲁莽驾驶。
- The judge said that the fine would serve as a warning to other motorist who drove without due care and attention. 法官说罚款可作为对那些驾车没有应有注意力的司机的警告。
- arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth 没有经过应有的努力就达到;缺乏深度
- Arrived at without due care, effort, or examination; superficial 表面的,浅薄的:未经应有的关心、努力或考验就达到的;表面的
- arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth. 没有经过应有的努力就达到;缺乏深度。
- Sniping may be a problem and senior officers must exercise due care when travelling about their areas. 放冷枪进行暗算可能是个大问题,所以高级军官路经他们地区时必须小心防范。
- She speaks without due consideration. 她说话冒失。
- He drives with due care and attention. 他开车很小心很注意。
- Never punt a gnome without due cause. 不要随便踢侏儒。
- The brittle glass was handled with due care. 玻璃易碎,务必轻拿轻放。
- Any such provocations cannot get away without due punishment. 凡属这类挑衅都逃不脱应得的惩罚。
- No parole shall be granted without due legal process. 非经法定程序不得假释。
- The lessee shall keep and use the lease item with due care. 第二百四十七条承租人应当妥善保管、使用租赁物。
- The depository shall keep the deposit with due care. 保管人应当妥善保管保管物。
- It is wrong to presume guilt OR innocence without due process. 假如证据不足就去判有罪无罪那是武断的。
- To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob. 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死
- To execute without due process of law,especially to hang,as by a mob. 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死
- He handled it with due care. 他以应有的小心处理这事。
- To execute without due process of law, especiallyto hang, as by a mob. 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死。